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  1. 就在最近的某一天,区应钟和儿子AlanAu还在商量向格莱美颁奖礼嘉宾提供礼服的事情。

    On a recent day , Mr. Au and his son , Alan Au , were discussing outfits that they were sending over to participants at the Grammy awards .

  2. 店主区应钟(JimmyAu)说,关键在于比例&他店里的服装口袋都是小号的,领口和袖筒也都略小一些,裤裆则往上提。

    The key , he says , is in the proportions & his clothes are designed with smaller pockets , slightly narrower collars and sleeves , and higher crotches .

  3. 我注意到其中一个模型很像好莱坞一位身高不到5英尺8英寸的动作巨星——不过区应钟不愿指名道姓。

    I noticed a resemblance to one famous A-list action-movie star who is under 5-foot-8 -- but Mr. Au wouldn 't name names .

  4. 区应钟的主顾包括一些声名显赫的专业人士,这些人来自那种更青睐矮个人士的行当,有赛马骑师、宇航员、飞行员等等。

    Mr. Au 's clientele is a who 's who of professionals from careers that favor the short of height , with jockeys , astronauts and jet pilots among them .

  5. 当初区应钟没能买到尺寸合适的人体模型,就去找了好莱坞为动作片制作人体模型的特效工作室——就是在追杀戏中会被打烂的那种模型。

    Unable to buy shorter mannequins , Mr. Au turned to a Hollywood special-effects studio that makes crash dummies for action movies -- the kind that get blown up in chase scenes .

  6. 这架飞机应在两点钟降落。

    The plane should touch down at two o'clock .

  7. 基于立管的整体分析,针对4种不同线型的钟型嘴形式,从质量、柔性立管应力、钟型嘴应力、接触压力四个方面来分析比较。

    Bellmouth installation on the platform is finally described . ( 4 ) Based on the global analysis of the riser , 4 different bellmouth forms are analysis and compared from four aspects : bellmouth weight , flexible riser stress , bellmouth stress , and contact stress .

  8. 洗这些衣服之前应浸泡一刻钟。

    The clothes should soak for a quarter before washing .