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dǐ běn
  • original;master copy;a copy for the record or for reproduction;a text against which other texts are checked
底本 [dǐ běn]
  • (1) [master copy]∶底稿

  • (2) [original]∶抄本或刊印本所依据的本子

  • 把底本找来核对一下

  • (3) [a text against which other texts are checked]∶校勘时作为依据的本子

  • 不按底本折校是错误的

底本[dǐ běn]
  1. 文本传播主要对《疗妒羹》现存五种版本进行考辨,追溯源流,梳理出五种版本均以明末两衡堂本作为底本刊刻、印行与流传的。

    Sub-text communication primarily studied on the " treatment jealous soup " version of the existing five Dynasties , trace origins , to tease out the five versions were based on two value-Ming Tong as the master copy inscribed , published and circulated .

  2. 《律吕新书》校点札记(之一)&选择底本,兼论版本系统本规定所称总发行,是指出版物总发行单位统一包销出版物。

    Notes on My Punctuation of The New Book of Temperament & About Choosing Master Copy and Edition System " General distribution " mentioned in the present Provisions means exclusive sale of publications by an entity engaging in general distribution of publications .

  3. 1942年,她的小说处女作《目的地重庆》出版,小说以她在二战期间的经历为底本。她的畅销书《青山青》(TheMountainIsYoung)1958年在美国出版,讲述的是她在尼泊尔的一次旅行的故事。

    Her 1942 debut novel , ' Destination Chungking , ' was based on her experiences during World War II , while her best-seller ' The Mountain Is Young , ' released in the U.S. in 1958 , is rooted in a trip she took to Nepal .

  4. 1952年,她的小说《瑰宝》(AMany-SplendoredThing)出版,这本小说是以她与英国战地记者莫里森(IanMorrison)在香港生活时期的爱情故事为底本写出的。

    Her 1952 novel , ' A Many-Splendored Thing , ' was based on her romantic relationship with British war correspondent Ian Morrison while the two were living in Hong Kong .

  5. 但在他记忆力依旧清晰的当年,他的女儿多萝西(Dorothy)曾经把他的录音回忆录誊写为一份48页的文件,美国华人博物馆以此为底本,制作了一份四分钟的第一人称叙述视频。

    But when his memory was still sharp , his daughter Dorothy transcribed 48 pages of his taped recollections , which became the basis of a four-minute first-person narrative produced by the museum .

  6. 从以耶亚巴琳起行,安营在底本迦得。

    And they departed from iim , and pitched in dibongad .

  7. 《圣经》和基督教教义成为中世纪视觉艺术的底本。

    Bible and Christianity doctrine is the base of the visual arts .

  8. 迦得子孙建造底本,亚他录,亚罗珥

    And the children of Gad built Dibon , and Ataroth , and Aroer

  9. 经过对照,编辑人员选择了南宋刻本作为底本。

    So the compilers selected the Southern Song edition as the original text .

  10. 《杨嗣昌集》整理的底本及其版本考查

    The Master Copy of Collected Works of Yang Sichang and Investigation on Its Editions

  11. 它包括对原文底本、原文语言特色以及《老子》哲学思想体系的整体研究。

    It includes the study of the original , language features and the thinking system .

  12. 校勘为保证校勘的可靠性,首先选好底本和校本。

    Collation For achieving the reliability of the collation , the original and the scenario were selected .

  13. 新版电视剧《红楼梦》有几个问题值得注意:剧本应以通行的120回本为创作底本;

    First , the script should take the120 chapters book as the basis of the new edition ;

  14. 年轻编辑人员在我们出版社起主力作用。经过对照,编辑人员选择了南宋刻本作为底本。

    The young editors act as the main force of our Press So the compilers selected the Southern Song edition as the original text .

  15. 在语内翻译中探讨由于底本不同、通假字、句法变化以及标点符号等产生的翻译问题。

    Intralingual translation of Laozi explores the problems caused by different originals , phonetic loan characters , changes of syntax and loss of punctuation marks .

  16. 最后,本文提出了两方面的猜想:程高本的底本是“梦觉真本”;

    At last , this dissertation put forward two guesses : The original edition of Cheng & Gao is the " original copy of Mengjue ";

  17. 也就是首先传授给佛教弟子,再通过他们普及民间,这种活动就是俗讲,其讲唱的底本便是讲经文。

    That is , it first was taught to Buddhist disciples , and then was spread through people . This activity is called teaching moral people .

  18. 集注本之所以具有重大的版本价值主要源于其所据底本在时间上早于诸宋刻《文选》。

    Variorum of the reason why the major version value from it , according to the master copy earlier in time than Yu Zhu Song engraved anthology .

  19. 在封闭测试和开放测试中,都取得了较好的实验结果,以人工分词文本为输入底本,调和平均值分别达到了96.33%和94.96%。

    Using the manual segmented text as input , F-score of our method achieved 96.33 % in the close test and 94.96 % in the open test .

  20. 其底本绘制于宋端平年间(1234&1235),绘制人可能是《潮州图经》(1235年)的作者黄梦锡等人。

    The Song Chaozhou City Map , which is no longer extant , was probably drawn by Huang Mengxi and others in1234-1235 when compiling the Chaozhou Tu Jing .

  21. 说唱文学经历了口头流传、说唱文学底本与说唱文学创作三个阶段,它们又是同时存在并行发展的。

    The talking and singing literature undergo three period : oral spread , original copy for the talking and singing art , the talking and singing literature creation .

  22. 一方面,它们印证了作为传世的各种现代语言《圣经》译本之底本的马所拉本的精确性和权威性;

    On the one hand , they confirm the accuracy and the authority of the Masoretic Text from which all the modern language versions of the Bible are derived ;

  23. 以介绍书籍内容、特点、刊刻底本、校勘水平以及树立品牌形象为主的文字广告和插图广告是书坊广告的主要表现形式。

    To introduce the book content , features , publishing Dibon , collation level and establish a brand image-based ads are text ads and illustrations Bookstore main form of advertising .

  24. 贵州省博物馆收藏有数种红岩碑拓片,应是历史上流传较广且影响较大的本子,本文对它们的历史渊源及有关事实作一些查考,期于研究者慎选工作底本。

    This article is mainly analysis on the historical origin and the relative facts on the red stone tablet rubbings in the hope of researchers can carefully make the selection .

  25. 三·创新点:提出了对杨振宁科学思想演变进行阶段划分,并大胆的使用《曙光集》作为研究底本,收集使用视频资料作为论据。

    The innovations : proposed the phases of evolvement of Chen Ning Yang are thought of science , and bravely use " Shu Guang Ji " as the research negative . 4 .

  26. 固然工作性质或个人偏好也许让你无法原底本本地履行打算,可是有一点条条框框还是大有利益的。

    While the nature of your job or your own personal preference might prevent you from following it to the letter , giving your workweek at least some structure can prove highly beneficial .

  27. 是从亚嫩谷边的亚罗珥和谷中的城,并米底巴的全平原,直到底本;

    From Aroer , that is upon the bank of the river Arnon , and the city that is in the midst of the river , and all the plain of Medeba unto Dibon ;

  28. 住在底本的民哪、〔民原文作女子〕要从你荣耀的位上下来、坐受乾渴.因毁灭摩押的上来攻击你.毁坏了你的保障。

    Thou daughter that dost inhabit Dibon , come down from thy glory , and sit in thirst ; for the spoiler of Moab shall come upon thee , and he shall destroy thy strong holds .

  29. 《金瓶梅词话》中的选择问句,与现代汉语有异同,差别主要表现在连词使用上,《词话》似乎是说书人的底本。

    Alternative question sentences in Chin Ping Mei , which seems to be the script of storytellers , are used in a way quite different from that in modern Chinese , with the major differences around the use of conjunctives .

  30. 其中不乏有上乘之品,很多古籍仍旧是今天校订校勘的底本,四堡坊刻业为书籍流通以及文化传播作出了贡献。

    Among the block-printed books , as the result of contribution made by block printing in Sibao to books circulation and cultural dissemination , there were much superior works which were still the master copy for revise and collation nowadays .