
  • 网络primer;underfill;base gel
  1. 本研究对玻璃纤维-铝合金层板(GLARE)的制备关键工艺参数进行了优化,包括铝合金薄板的底胶含量、预浸料的纤维体积含量、烘干条件和层板压制工艺。

    In this study , Glass-aluminum laminates ( GLARE ) were prepared and the key factors of the preparation process , including content of primer on the aluminum sheets , fiber volume fraction of the prepreg , drying process and pressing process , were optimized .

  2. 此粘合剂由一种单组分液体底胶和单组分糊剂组成。

    It was composed of one-component liquid primer and one-component paste .

  3. 短纤维在V带底胶中的应用

    Short Fibre Applied in Base Gum of " V " Belt

  4. PVC胶粘带底胶和压敏胶的配方研究

    A Research into the Formulation of Pressure Sensitive Adhesive and Precoating of PVC Adhesive Tape

  5. 氯化聚乙烯(CPE)在普通V带底胶中的应用研究

    Application Study of CPE in Base Rubber of Common " V " - Belt

  6. 氯化聚乙烯与橡胶其混,用于普通V带底胶进行研究。

    Study in this paper covers CPE blended with rubber , that is used in the base rubber of common " V " - belt .

  7. 在其它条件相同的情况下,底胶和横向CFRP对试件的承载力和刚度并无显著影响。

    If other factors are the sane , under glue and transverse CFRP have no significant influences on specimen 's bearing capacity and stiffness .

  8. 研究结果表明:在纵向CFRP断裂前,不论是否使用底胶以及是否粘贴横向碳纤维织物,纵向CFRP和钢板都能保持协同工作;

    It is found that the longitudinal CFRP and the steel plate could cooperate before the longitudinal CFRP failing whether under glue and transverse CFRP are used ;

  9. 介绍一种新型的共聚物底胶聚乙烯三层(HY-007涂料、HA型共聚物底胶、低压聚乙烯)管道防腐技术。

    The paper introduced a new type of 3 layer polyethylene pipe anticorrosion coating ( HY-007 primer + HA copolymer adhesive + low pressure polythylene ) .

  10. 进行了CFRP与钢板的粘结性能试验研究,以期了解2种材料的粘结性能以及底胶和横向CFRP等因素对试件承载力和刚度的影响。

    Cohesive between CFRP and steel plate is experimentally studied , in order to understand the cohesiveness between CFRP and steel plate and the influences of under glue and transverse CFRP on bearing capacity and stiffness of the specimens .

  11. VAC-BA-MAA三元乳液共聚制人造花底胶

    Artificial flower Primer made by VAC-BA-MAA emulsion copolymerization

  12. 感光材料底胶的合成及性能研究Ⅱ

    Synthesis and Properties of Primer for Photosensitive Materials , Part ⅱ

  13. 耐油耐酸碱皮鞋大底胶料配方的研究

    Study on Formula of Soling Resistance to Oil , Acid and Base

  14. 共聚物底胶聚乙烯管道防腐技术的应用

    Application of Polyethylene Pipe Anticorrosion Layer with Copolymer Adhesive

  15. 异氰酸酯底胶对压敏胶粘接性能的影响

    Effects of isocyanate base coating on the adhesion properties of pressure sensitive tape

  16. 用于不带底胶材料及其他材料的贴合。

    Non-use : with the end of the laminated plastic and other materials .

  17. 研磨片用胶粘剂(底胶)配方的回归设计研究

    Study on the Adhesive Composition of Abrasive Dish by the Method of Regression Design

  18. 提出了将底胶涂于镍表面的涂胶新工艺。

    A new process of rubber covering on the surface of nickel is given .

  19. 夹克底胶性能评述

    The Review of Performance of Jacket Backing Adhesive

  20. 这个数目舒适的摩托车头盔有一个概括的面颊和底胶的填充物。

    This exceptionally comfortable motorcycle helmet has a wraparound visor and shock-absorbent rubber padding .

  21. 圆模成型三角带底胶失效的机理分析

    Mechanism Analysis about Losing Efficacy of Triangle Belt Transmission that Circle Matrix Takes Shape

  22. 改性环氧底胶对不锈钢与聚氨酯橡胶粘接的影响

    Influence of modified epoxy adhesive on adhesion of stainless steel and casting polyurethane rubber

  23. 覆晶封装底胶充填流动研究

    Flow Visualization for Underfill Encapsulation of Flip Chip

  24. 血液污染对自酸蚀底胶联合应用树脂加强型玻璃离子粘接剂性能的影响

    Effects of Blood Contamination on Performance of Self-etching Primer Combined with Resin-modified Glass Ionomer Cement

  25. 此底胶具有耐热性能并改善了聚氨酯弹性体与金属之间的粘接性。

    The heat-resistance and bond strength between PU and metal are improved by the primer .

  26. 提出了为提高聚乙烯夹克防腐的总体技术水平,必须对工艺和底胶材料改进。

    To prompt the general technical level of PolyethyleneJacket anticorrosion technology , you must improve the technology and the materials .

  27. 研制出改性环氧胶粘剂作为底胶用于不锈钢与浇注型聚氨酯橡胶的粘接。

    In this paper , the modified epoxy adhesive applying in adhesion of stainless steel and casting polyurethane rubber is developed .

  28. 油气管道三层防腐用改性聚乙烯夹克底胶的研究

    Study on Jacket Backing Adhesive of Modified Polyethylene Used in Three Layers Corrosion resistant Steel Pipeline of Crude Oil and Natural Gas

  29. 文中主要探讨了覆晶封装底胶充填时,锡球、芯片及基板间的流动状况。

    In this paper we report the analysis of underfill encapsulation between the solder ball , micro-chip and substrate by experiment and3D mold flow simulation .

  30. 研制了一种高温固化结构胶粘剂底胶。介绍底胶的配方、工艺、与主体胶粘剂的匹配性及耐介质、耐老化性能。

    Structural adhesive primer cured at high temperature was introduced in terms of its formula , process , compatibility with adhesive , chemical resistance , ageing resistance , etc.