
  • 网络deborah
  1. 于是底波拉起来,与巴拉一同往基低斯去了。

    And Deborah arose , and went with Barak to kedesh .

  2. 底波拉叫巴拉去和迦南王耶宾争战。

    Deborah called Barak to fight a war against Jabin king of Canaan .

  3. 她是拉比多的妻子,在底波拉的棕树下听判断。

    She was the wife of Lapidoth and held court under the palm tree of Deborah .

  4. 他们的士师是一位敬虔的妇女,叫底波拉。??每个以色列人都很爱戴尊敬她。

    Their judge was a godly woman named Deborah and everyone in Israel loved and respected her .

  5. 那时,底波拉和亚比挪庵的儿子巴拉作歌,说。

    At that time Deborah and barak , the son of abinoam , made this song , saying .

  6. 有一位女先知名叫底波拉,是拉比多的妻,当时作以色列的士师。

    And Deborah , a prophetess , the wife of Lapidoth , she judged Israel at that time .

  7. ??一天,底波拉打发人把一个叫巴拉的人叫来。巴拉住在以色列的北边。

    One day Deborah called for a man named Barak to come from the north part of Israel down to her southern part .

  8. 底波拉为众人做了一个好榜样,她完全按照神的律法来作出判断。

    The people of Israel could depend on Deborah to judge them according to God 's laws . What a godly example she was !

  9. 以色列中的官长停职,直到我底波拉兴起,等我兴起作以色列的母。

    The villagers ceased in Israel ; they ceased to be until I arose ; I , Deborah , arose as a mother in Israel .

  10. 以萨迦的首领与底波拉同来。以萨迦怎样,巴拉也怎样。

    And the princes of Issachar were with Deborah ; even Issachar , and also Barak : he was sent on foot into the valley .

  11. 巴拉就招聚西布伦人和拿弗他利人到基低斯,跟他上去的有一万人。底波拉也同他上去。

    And Barak called Zebulun and Naphtali to Kedesh ; and he went up with ten thousand men at his feet : and Deborah went up with him .

  12. 当他们中间有了纠纷,有了问题,他们就去找底波拉。??底波拉就在以法莲山地的一棵棕树底下,来判断各样的问题。

    When they had disagreements or problems that needed to be settled , they went to Mount Ephraim to a special palm tree where Deborah would sit to judge the people .

  13. 士4:5他住在以法莲山地拉玛和伯特利中间、底波拉的棕树下.色列人都上他那里去听判断。

    She used to sit under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim ; and the sons of Israel came up to her for judgment .

  14. 她住在以法莲山地拉玛和伯特利中间,在底波拉的棕树下。以色列人都上她那里去听判断。

    ( and she had her seat under the palm-tree of Deborah between Ramah and Beth-el in the hill-country of Ephraim ; and the children of Israel came up to her to be judged . )

  15. 底波拉对他说:“巴拉,耶和华以色列的神吩咐你说,你率领一万拿弗他利和西布伦人,上他泊山去。??

    She had a special message from the Lord : " The Lord God of Israel has commanded , saying , " Barak , go to Mount Tabor and take with you 10 , 000 men from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun .

  16. 如果你已经接受主耶稣成为你的救主,那么你愿不愿意像底波拉一样在人面前成为一个敬虔的榜样。你要注意你的话语,行为,态度,要在爱心,信心,清洁上,都作信徒的榜样。

    If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior from sin , will you this week be a godly example ? Be watchful in your words , actions , love , attitudes , as well as in your faith and pure life .

  17. 她鼓励巴拉说:“你起来,今日就是耶和华将西西拉交在你手的日子,耶和华岂不在你前头行么?”底波拉在众人面前显现出她单单倚靠神的信心。

    She spoke bold , encouraging words to Barak : " Up , for this is the day in which the LORD has delivered Sisera into your hand ! Hasn 't the Lord already gone out before you ? " What a great example of faith and purity Deborah was !