
  • 网络miaodao islands
  1. 庙岛群岛旅游资源评估与可持续利用

    Evaluation and Sustainable Utilization of Tourism Resources in Miaodao Islands

  2. 庙岛群岛海域斑海豹的分布与保护褐点石斑鱼的核型研究

    The Spotted Seals in Miaodao Islands The Karyotype of Grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus

  3. 它从庙岛群岛起沿山东半岛北部向东绕过山东半岛东端向南延伸,并可延伸到80m等深线处。

    It starts from the Miaodao Island , extends eastward along the northern Shandong Peninsula , then turns southward at the eastern tip of the Shandong Peninsula , even reaching to 80 m isobaths .

  4. 庙岛群岛海水养殖业持续发展探析

    Inquiry into the Sustainable Development of Sea Farming of Miaodao Archipelago

  5. 庙岛群岛的晚新生界与环境变迁

    Late Cenozoic Erathem and environmental vicissitudes of Miaodao archipelago , Shandong Province

  6. 庙岛群岛的旅游资源及其开发研究

    A Study on Tourism Resources and its Exploration in Miaodao Archipelago , Shandong Province

  7. 山东庙岛群岛全新世黄土

    Holocene loess of Miaodao islands in Shandong

  8. 庙岛群岛北部三岛屿乡镇海岸带生态系统服务价值评估

    Evaluation on Ecosystem Service Value of Coastal Zore for Three Island Towns in Northern Miaodao Archipelago

  9. 远在史前时期,庙岛群岛已为人类古文明的传播与交流发挥了不可忽视的作用。

    It played an important role for the spread and exchange of ancient human civilizations in prehistoric times .

  10. 中国东部沿海基岩海岛地下水资源分布特点&以庙岛群岛为例

    On the occurrence of the ground water resources of the rocky islands along the East China coast & a case study of Miaodao Islands

  11. 因此,从人类出现航海活动开始,庙岛群岛就在航海史上发挥了不可忽视的作用。

    Therefore , from the perspective of human navigational activities , the temple Islands in the navigation history played a role that can not be overlooked .