
miào huì
  • temple fair;Festival temple fair
庙会 [miào huì]
  • [temple fair] 亦称庙市。中国的市集形式之一,设在寺庙里边或附近,在节日或规定的日子举行

庙会[miào huì]
  1. 咱们上庙会看热闹去吧。

    Let 's go to the temple fair and have some fun .

  2. 我打算和全家一起去逛庙会。

    I 'm going to the Temple Fair with my family .

  3. 第二章《复兴:如火如荼的庙会仪式》根据访谈资料,叙述了Z村传统和现代庙会仪式的整个程序和来龙去脉。

    Chapter II , " Renaissance : the temple ceremony in full swing ," according to interviews , described the traditional and modern Z temple ceremony in the village .

  4. 改革开放以来,G村的非正式权力组织&家族和庙会活动频繁,成为了村政权之外的民间组织,并且在村民日常生活中占据重要地位。

    The fact is , since the reform and opening-up , there are frequent activities about lineage and of temple fairs in G Village . IPGs , e.g. tribes and temple affairs play an important role in villagers ' daily life .

  5. 研究庙会也就是对大众文化生活的一种探索。

    Research on mass culture life temple is also an exploration .

  6. 从北京传统节日和庙会看佛教对民俗文化的影响

    Buddhism : Its Influence on Beijing Folk Holidays and Temple Fairs

  7. 这种庙会还形成了一套规范化仪式。

    This temple fair has formed a set of normalized ceremony .

  8. 她还给了我去庙会的免费门票呢。

    She offered me free tickets to visit the temple fair !

  9. 休闲生活节律与乡土社会本色&以近世江南庙会为案例的跨学科考察

    The Rhythm of Leisure Life and the Inherent Qualities in Village Society

  10. 罗拉:那么,这就是庙会了,对吧?

    Laura : So , this is the temple fair , right ?

  11. 这个灯笼是在赶庙会的时候买的。

    The lantern was bought when I was visiting a temple fair .

  12. 明清时期山东庙会研究

    Study on Shandong Temple Fairs of Ming & Qing Period

  13. 明清陕西庙会经济初探

    The Temple Fair Economy of Shaanxi during the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  14. 春节里没有出去逛庙会的宝宝们看过来!

    Babies that have missed Chinese Spring Festival Fair look over here !

  15. 现在,北京市每年春节都举办庙会。

    Now , Beijing holds temple fair every Spring Festival .

  16. 磁器口每年一次的庙会也以此为主会场。

    Now it is the main site of the yearly temple fair .

  17. 庙会文化,是民俗文化的一种。

    Temple culture is a kind of folk-custom culture .

  18. 河南庙会文化及其当代变迁

    Temple Fair Culture and Its changes of the Present Age in Henan Province

  19. 春节的亮点是烟火、庙会和体育比赛。

    The fireworks , fairs and sports competitions are the Spring Festival highlights .

  20. 我还听说过今天是庙会的最后一天呢。

    I also heard today is the last day for the street fair .

  21. 小君:嘿,我们在庙会庆典时也会准备素肉。

    Jun : Hey , we do vegetarian meat , too-at temple festivals .

  22. 它已经发展成为庙会。

    It is already developed becoming a temple fair .

  23. 传统庙会在越南现代社会中的价值

    The Value of Traditional Fairs in Modern Vietnamese Society

  24. 花儿会是变相的庙会形式。

    The hua ' er song competition is a disguised temple fair form .

  25. 农村市场研究包括集市和庙会两方面的内容。

    Rural market research including rural fair and temple fair two aspect content .

  26. 河南周口庙会上增设了收费的简易厕所。

    The simple charged toilet in a temple fair .

  27. 马克:嗯,有庙会。

    Mark : Well , there are temple fairs .

  28. 听起来很有意思,地坛庙会有什么好玩的?

    Sounds interesting ! What interesting places are there in The Ditan temple fair ?

  29. 论西南民族地区的庙会

    On the Temple Fair in Southwest Minority Regions

  30. 庙会是我国传统的民众节日形式之一。

    Temple fair is one of the traditional activities among the people in our country .