
léi qū
  • Minefield;mine field;blackspot
雷区[léi qū]
  1. 但首先,我必须经过雷区。

    But I must cross the mine field first .

  2. 30多位首席执行长的回答描绘出了一个范围很广的雷区。

    Their responses-about three dozen-described a large mine field .

  3. 婚姻中有一些公认的容易引发问题的雷区。

    There are recognised black spots in marriages which can lead to trouble

  4. 他们当时正在雷区附近交火。

    They were skirmishing close to the minefield now

  5. 整个话题就是一个政治上的雷区。

    The whole subject is a political minefield

  6. 敌军士兵被假目标诱入雷区。

    The enemy soldiers were lured into a minefield by a decoy .

  7. 公司误入雷区。

    The company was misled into a dangerous situation .

  8. 儿童事务专员说,学校和家长现在必须做更多的工作,让孩子们为他们在网上面临的情感雷区做好准备。

    The Children 's Commissioner said schools and parents must now do more to prepare children for the emotional minefield they faced online .

  9. 而在美国,外国公司支持的BOT项目也可能成为政治雷区。

    In the U.S. , meanwhile , BOT schemes backed by foreign firms may become political mine fields .

  10. GAME公司的市场总监弗雷德·普雷戈(FredPrego)说:“圣诞节为孩子们准备什么礼物有点像是一个雷区。”

    Fred Prego , marketing director at GAME , says : " Choosing what to get your kids at Christmas can be a bit of a minefield .

  11. 本文简要介绍VB中定时器控件的功能和用法,并通过一个实例&坦克过雷区,巧妙运用定时器进行了实现。

    This paper briefly introduces the functions and usages of timer in VB . At the same time through a sample with tank going through thunder area , the author uses timer skilfully to implement it .

  12. VideoJug向你展示如何掌控布满雷区的职场关系,在工作场所的政治斗争中游刃有余。

    VideoJug show you how to navigate the minefield of professional relationships and be the master of the political scene in your workplace .

  13. 结果表明:41年来,长江三峡库区年平均雷暴日数较多,一般为34~45d,其中库区西北部和中南部为多雷区;年际变化大,最多年比最少年一般偏多27~61d;

    The results show that the mean annual number of thunderstorm days are 34 ~ 45d , and interannual thunderstorm variability is large , the difference between the maximum and minimum of annual thunderstorm days is 27 ~ 61d .

  14. 根据法律规定,有些话题是面试官的‘雷区’。

    Certain topics are off-limits for an interviewer , by law .

  15. 毕竟,我知道多数办公室都是政治雷区。

    After all , most offices I know are political minefields .

  16. 我拉着他跨过了我自己布的小雷区。

    I draw him across several little minefields of my own .

  17. 这个游戏就是要你把雷区标明。

    The aim of the game is to clear the minefield .

  18. 以下是引导你安全通过祝酒辞雷区的一些小贴士。

    So here are some tips to navigate the toasting minefield .

  19. 化学雷区,地底下的压力垫,

    A chemical minefield , pressure pads in the ground ,

  20. 在这一点上,我们进入了一个道德雷区。

    It 's at this point that we enter an ethical minefield .

  21. 呃不是那是格林盆大雷区

    Er , no. The Great Grimpen Minefield , they call it .

  22. 法官说这个案子暴露了一个法律中存在的雷区。

    The judge said that the case had uncovered a legal minefield .

  23. 海盗吗不叫格林盆大雷区

    Pirates ? No. The Great Grimpen Minefield , they call it .

  24. 利用落雷密度划分重庆雷区的研究

    Research on the Thunder Distribution in Chongqing Region Using Ground Flash Density

  25. 在中国约会涉及到复杂需求的雷区。

    Dating in China involves a minefield of complex requirements .

  26. 谈到约会,潜在的雷区真是无穷无尽。

    When navigating the dating terrain , the potential minefields are endless .

  27. 猎犬计划,是雾,化学雷区,

    Project HOUND , it 's the fog ! A chemical minefield .

  28. 贝叶斯参数估计在雷区范围估计中的应用

    Application of Bayes Parameter Estimation in Estimation of Minefield Scope

  29. 不过,历次会晤都有一个语言上的雷区。

    However , each meeting is a linguistic minefield .

  30. 革命并不是社会不平等的主要产物,但“雷区”是。

    Revolutions are not staple products of social inequality ; but minefields are .