
  • 网络Razer
  1. 这样一来,雷蛇就保证了它在玩家大大小小的四块屏幕上都占有不可撼动的地位——PC、电视、移动、可穿戴。

    Together , the devices give Razer presence on all four screens that today 's gamer uses : PC , TV , mobile , and wearable .

  2. 雷蛇公司CEO陈民亮则认为,公司的独立性是成功的必要因素。

    Tan , Razer 's chief executive officer , believes that the company 's independence has been integral to its success .

  3. 此外,雷蛇还与微主机公司ForgeTV合作,打造所谓的“第二块屏幕体验”,使玩家将PC游戏通过网络流媒体挪动到电视上,获得更爽的游戏体验,同时他们也可以通过电视玩移动游戏。

    It 's also entering the second screen experience with Forge TV , a micro-console that will allow gamers to stream PC games to their TV and also play mobile games on the large screen .

  4. 雷蛇拥有一个由370万玩家构成的活跃社区,他们不仅购买雷蛇的游戏本和周边配件,还使用它的VoIP技术,并积极购买雷蛇品牌的服装。

    Razer has an active community of over 3.7 million gamers who not only buy its gaming laptops and accessories , but use its voice-over IP services and purchase Razer-branded clothing .

  5. 雷蛇的NabuX智能手环还可以使玩家在真实世界中互相沟通,并分享游戏信息。

    And its Nabu X smart band is designed to allow gamers to connect with each other in the real world and share game information .

  6. 除了赴美IPO,大陆科技企业还在香港IPO,其中包括了互联网保险公司众安、在线阅读服务提供商阅文集团以及游戏设备制造商雷蛇。

    Besides the US , tech firms from the Chinese mainland issued IPOs in Hong Kong , including online insurance firm ZhongAn , online reading service provider China Literature and gaming gear maker Razer .

  7. 你听说过雷蛇公司(Razer)吗?

    Have you heard of Razer ?

  8. 沃尔曼相信,雷蛇对游戏发烧友的跨平台吸引力,非常适合微软这样的潜在收购者,后者正计划推出一款搭载Windows10系统的PC游戏机。此外,雷蛇的开源虚拟现实平台也可能让微软产生兴趣。

    Warman believes Razer 's cross-platform focus on gaming enthusiasts could be a good fit for an acquirer like Microsoft , which plans to introduce a PC-console game offering with Windows 10 . The OSVR platform may also be of interest to the folks in Redmond .

  9. 陈民亮表示,雷蛇希望使各大软硬件公司能够开发出在Oculus、索尼、三星和其他虚拟现实设备上无缝运行的产品。

    Tan says Razer wants to give game hardware and software companies the ability to develop products that will work seamlessly across Oculus , Sony , Samsung , and other virtual-reality devices .

  10. Newzoo公司视频游戏分析师彼得o沃尔曼预测,雷蛇2014年的营收估计在2.5到3亿美元之间。

    Peter Warman , a video game analyst at Newzoo , estimates the company 's 2014 revenues to be between $ 250 and $ 300 million .

  11. 即便是这样,雷蛇依然是行业的龙头老大:目前雷蛇是全球最大的游戏键盘与鼠标制造商,在竞争异常激烈的游戏耳机市场上也是一路领跑,将TurtleBeach、AstroGaming、Polk和HyperX等竞争对手远远甩在了身后。

    Still , it dominates : Razer is currently the number-one maker of gaming mice and gaming keyboards in the world and leads the pack in the ultra-competitive gaming headphones market , despite strong competition from Turtle Beach , Astro Gaming , Polk , and HyperX .

  12. 虽然面临着来自罗技科技、美加狮、Corsair和赛睿等竞争对手的竞争,但雷蛇将自己看成了一家做平台的公司,而不是一个纯粹的产品制造企业。

    Despite competition from companies such as Logitech , Mad Catz , Corsair , and SteelSeries , Razer has distinguished itself by operating as a so-called platform company , rather than as a pure product manufacturer .

  13. 沃尔曼表示,凭借雷蛇2011年从IDG-Accel中国成长基金,以及最近从英特尔资本获得的融资,他们现在已拥有足够的资金,完全可以在保障原有业务的同时发展新业务。

    With its raised funds from IDG-Accel China Capital Fund in 2011 and Intel Capital more recently they now have the cash to grow these new businesses without losing focus on where they came from , Warman says .

  14. 沃尔曼表示,凭借雷蛇2011年从IDG-Accel中国成长基金,以及最近从英特尔资本获得的融资,“他们现在已拥有足够的资金,完全可以在保障原有业务的同时发展新业务。”

    With its raised funds - from IDG-Accel China Capital Fund in 2011 and Intel Capital more recently - " they now have the cash to grow these new businesses without losing focus on where they came from , " Warman says .

  15. 雷蛇也在基于该平台开发自己的虚拟现实游戏机。

    Razer is also developing its own VR controllers for the platform .

  16. 这些服务能够为雷蛇开启一套全新的业务模式。

    These services could open up completely new business models for Razer .

  17. 我们的主要销售产品是雷蛇的光电鼠标,键盘,鼠标垫!

    Our main products are optical mouses , keyboards , mouse pads from razer !

  18. 雷蛇公司在美国、欧洲和亚洲共设立了10个办事处,拥有400余名员工。

    Razer has 400 employees and 10 offices across the U.S. , Europe , and Asia .

  19. 在视频游戏界,雷蛇是全行业最知名的品牌之一。

    In the video game world , Razer is among the most well-known brands in the business .

  20. 最后再感谢一下我们的赞助商:百事、雷蛇、技嘉、卡帕和金士顿,还有我们的忠诚的粉丝们!

    Final words go to our great sponsors PEPSI , RAZER , GIGABYTE , KAPPA and KINGSTON as well as our loyal fans !

  21. 沃尔曼表示:在过去15年里,雷蛇在游戏圈里已经建立起了几乎是‘圣杯’级别的品牌形象。

    Razer has an almost ' cult status ' brand image that it has built up over the past 15 years , Warman says .

  22. 我认为(是否被收购)并不重要,重要的是雷蛇人能否继续集中精力取悦我们的用户,并超越他们的高预期。

    What makes a difference is that the people within Razer continue to focus on delighting our users all the time and exceeding their high expectations .

  23. 正是凭借这一重要资产,雷蛇正在将产品范畴扩展至平板电脑游戏机、智能手环和开源虚拟现实平台等领域。

    This is an important asset in the broadening of their product portfolio into tablet controllers , smart bands , and the Open Source Virtual Reality platform .

  24. 雷蛇公司是罗伯特o卡拉克夫和陈民亮于1998年共同创立的,该公司主要向不被传统科技公司重视的游戏发烧友提供游戏鼠标等电脑配件。

    Robert Krakoff and Min-Liang Tan founded Razer in 1998 to introduce accessories such as gaming mice to an audience that was being ignored by traditional technology companies .

  25. 们与用户的关系也更加持续。正是凭借这一重要资产,雷蛇正在将产品范畴扩展至平板电脑游戏机、智能手环和开源虚拟现实平台等领域。这些服务能够为雷蛇开启一套全新的业务模式。”

    io into tablet controllers , smart bands , and the Open Source Virtual Reality platform . These services could open up completely new business models for Razer . "

  26. 游戏研究公司Eedar的分析师艾德o赵指出,雷蛇如今已经占据全球游戏鼠标和键盘市场约30%的份额。

    Today , Razer accounts for approximately 30 % of the global video game mouse and keyboard business , according to Ed Zhao , an analyst at video game research firm Eedar .