
fèi tǔ
  • Waste soil;roach
废土[fèi tǔ]
  1. 在2281年,爆破者是一个生活在莫哈维废土的部落。

    The Boomers are a tribe in the Mojave Wasteland in2281 .

  2. 人口重生。这才是在废土上重建文明的最重要的事情。

    Repopulation . That 's the most important thing to reestablish the civilization in the wasteland .

  3. 使草原依照他们的地区出现多样化-那里是真正的平原,哪里是沙漠,沼泽,废土?

    Diversify plains according to their region-which are real plains , which deserts , swamps , wastelands etc ?

  4. 在明代后期,使用煤炭又引发废土堆积与空气污染问题。

    Ever since the late Ming , coal-burning-caused problems such as earth dumping and air pollution were worsening .

  5. 最后结合水系疏浚废土经固化后用作路基填料的两个工程,进行了土壤固化技术的应用研究。

    Finally , the related soil stabilization technique was applied to treat dredged soft soil from water systems into roadbase filling .

  6. 联盟与部落初次踏上这片冰冻的废土至今,已有无数的生命陨落了;但艾泽拉斯的勇士们仍毫不间断的勇往向前。

    Countless lives have been lost since the Alliance and Horde first reached the frozen wastes , but the champions of Azeroth continue to march forward .

  7. 罗兰少爷幻觉出已死去的同志和并不存在的恐怖身影:就像摩登都市,这个废土使他精神紧张,并促发了不正常的反应。

    Childe Roland hallucinates about dead comrades and imagines horrors that aren 't actually there : like the modern city , this place strains his psyche and provokes abnormal responses .

  8. 在2277年,作为他们不断成长的标志,军团开始向西面的新维加斯挺进,并建造了堡垒山作为他们在莫哈韦废土的基地。

    In2277 , as a sign of their growing power , the Legion advanced westward toward New Vegas and created what would become their main base in the Mojave Wasteland : Fortification Hill .

  9. 使矿床上覆粘土(黄土)、旧砖厂深层土和城市建筑挖掘的废土变废为宝,开发应用能创出较高的经济价值,具有广阔的市场前景。

    The result shows that the overlying clay ( loess ), deep earth of the old brickyards and useless earth of the municipal building excavation can be turned into usful material , which can bring about relative high economic value , and there is a good market for these goods .

  10. 铀矿废石堆覆土厚度探讨

    Exploration on soil cover thickness of waste pile at uranium mine

  11. 废黄河口盐沼土硫酸盐还原速率的研究

    A study on sulfate reduction in salt marsh near the estuary of obsolete Huanghe Ri vel

  12. 水泥-废石膏加固软土的试验研究

    On stabilization of soft soil with waste gypsum and cement