
  • 网络Twisting Nether
  1. 所有的恶魔,包括阿克蒙德,都被吸入永恒之井,狂怒的嚎叫着,被扔回扭曲虚空。

    All the demons , including Archimonde , were sucked into the Well and forced back into the Twisting Nether , howling in fury .

  2. 为了确保耐奥祖的服从,基尔加丹从扭曲虚空的尽头取得一块寒冰,用一种特殊的手法将铠甲与剑封印其中。

    To ensure Ner'zhul 's obedience , Kil'jaeden sealed the armor and blade within a specially crafted block of ice collected from the far reaches of the Twisting Nether .

  3. 坐落于永恒之井湖畔的辛-艾萨琳就是上层精灵贵族们打开通往扭曲虚空的传送门,召唤燃烧军团到艾泽拉斯的地方。

    Situated on the shores of the Well of Eternity , Zin-Azshari was where the aristocratic Highborne first opened a portal into the Twisting Nether and invited the Burning Legion to invade Azeroth .

  4. 许多虚空幽客来到了外域贪婪地寻找并窃取这个世界的珍宝企图带回扭曲的虚空之中。

    Now drawn to Outland , many ethereals are seeking to track down its treasures and steal them back into the Twisting Nether .