
tíng zhǎng
  • President;presiding judge;president judge;the president of a law court
庭长 [tíng zhǎng]
  • [the president of a law court;president judge] 法庭的首席法官

庭长[tíng zhǎng]
  1. 省法院的承办法官高兴极了,庭长也笑了。

    The undertook judge of the province court is happy extremely , the presiding judge also smiles .

  2. 庭长出,了解情况日后告知收费没错,是中级法院同意的。

    The presiding judge leaves , understood that the situation will inform the charge in the future not wrong , is the Intermediate court agreement .

  3. 他将在下个月底就任民事法庭庭长一职。

    He will take up his post as the head of the civil courts at the end of next month .

  4. 中国法院庭长制度初探

    A Preliminary Study of the Presiding Judge System in Chinese Court

  5. 检察官仍立着,他向庭长说

    The district-attorney had remained standing ; he addressed the President

  6. 法庭庭长提问,被告受到的是公开揭发,还是秘密揭发。

    The president asked , was the accused openly denounced or secretly ?

  7. “您去坐下。”庭长说。

    " Go take your seat ," said the President .

  8. 这时,庭长的左右有人动起来。

    At that moment there was a movement just beside the president ;

  9. 庭长是个细心周到的人,他大声发言了。

    The president , an attentive and benevolent man , raised his voice .

  10. 法官史密斯先生当了首席法官(或庭长)。

    Mr Justice Smith has been made Chief Justice .

  11. 任命瓦特金斯法官为调查庭庭长是令人吃惊的。

    The nomination of judge Watkins as head of the inquiry was a surprise .

  12. 庭长先生,请拘禁我。

    Mr. President , have me arrested .

  13. “刑庭庭长谨向马德兰先生致敬。”

    " The president of the court of assizes presents his respects to m.madeleine . "

  14. 他张开口,转过去对着庭长说。

    He opened his mouth , turned towards the president , and said : & .

  15. 在庭长和诸位法官的帮助下,我搜集到了大量宝贵的第一手资料。

    Under the help of those judges , I have collected massive precious first-hand materials .

  16. “您去坐下,”庭长说,“被告,站着不要动。”

    " Take your seat ," said the President . " Prisoner , remain standing . "

  17. 这时,庭长的脸上显出了同情和愁苦的神气。

    In the meantime , the face of the president was stamped with sympathy and sadness ;

  18. 庭长把这问题重说了一遍。

    The president repeated the question .

  19. 庭长向他说的话和他刚才向布莱卫说过的那些话,大致相同。

    The President addressed him in nearly the same words which he had used to Brevet .

  20. 庭长问他为什么到那时候才回到法国,而没有早些回来?

    The President asked , why had he returned to France when he did , and not sooner ?

  21. 院长、副院长、庭长与法官的关系是微妙的。

    The relationship between president of the court , vice president of the court , presiding judge and judges are subtle .

  22. 法官与审判委员会,与庭长、院长之间关系等;(二)、努力为法官提供职务保障,实现法官人身独立。

    Endeavor to provide security for judges and realize their personal independence in terms of promotion , salary , training , etc.

  23. 庭长、检察官、巴马达波先生,其他二十个人,都认识他,齐声喊道。

    The president , the district-attorney , m.bamatabois , twenty persons , recognized him , and exclaimed in concert : & .

  24. 对于重大、复杂和影响大的案件,院长、庭长可以亲自担任审判长。

    As for the major , complex and influential cases , the presidents and presiding judges themselves may act as chief judges .

  25. 布莱卫,庭长说,您受过一种不名誉的刑罚,您不应当宣誓

    " Brevet ," said the President , " you have undergone an ignominious sentence , and you cannot take an oath . "

  26. “是啊,关键就在这里,”庭长一面笑着说,一面看看表。

    " That 's where the whole matter lies ," said the president , with a smile , and looked at his watch .

  27. 由于这一时期案件非常多,庭长便在这一天里排了两件简短的案子。

    The docket of the session was very heavy ; the president had appointed for the same day two short and simple cases .

  28. 庭长把传票交给一个执达吏,过一会,证人室的门开了。

    The President transmitted the order to an usher , and , a moment later , the door of the witnesses ' room opened .

  29. 于次日发去传真,又用特快递分别寄给省高院院长,副院长,立案庭庭长。

    The next day we faxed and mailed by express to president , vice-president , and presiding judge of Case Filing Chamber0f province high court .

  30. 明确庭长在审前程序中的指挥权,合理划定行政权和审判权的界限,可以有效避免行政权对审判权的干涉,促进司法公正。

    To define the command of the chief of the court in the procedure before court to divide administrative and judicial authority to avoid the interference .