
  • 网络amenities;recreational facility
  1. 舒适生活福利设施【相关词组】felineamenityties挖苦话运动场和体育馆只是镇上的部分康乐设施。

    Stadiums and gymnasia are just some of the town 's local amenities . 【

  2. 康乐设施俱乐部或者俱乐部公寓应该拥有棋牌室和有趣的正式的中餐聚会或者晚餐聚会的日历表。

    Amenities . A club room or apartment has to have a card room and a calendar of interesting luncheon and evening events .

  3. 娱乐场并将增设康乐设施。

    New recreational facilities will also be unveiled in the extended hall .

  4. 临时市政局提供和管理体育及康乐设施。

    The Provisional Urban Council provides and manages sports and recreational facilities .

  5. 政府为该区提供的康乐设施和社会服务严重不足。

    The government has provided few recreational facilities and social services in the area .

  6. 香港有各种各类体育及康乐设施和活动。

    Sports and recreational facilities and activities are many and varied in Hong Kong .

  7. 公馆为您提供棋牌康乐设施,让您充分享受休闲时光。

    Other facilities such as electronic Majong tables and chess board are offered to enrich your leisure time .

  8. 附近有足球场、篮球场、游泳池、公园等康乐设施。

    And there is a football field , several basket ball courts and a swimming pool in the neighborhood .

  9. 宾馆还为您准备了健身房、桑拿浴、网球、排球、羽毛球等康乐设施。

    Hotel is also prepared for your gym , sauna , tennis , volleyball , badminton and other recreational facilities .

  10. 康体、休闲设施,如各种健身器材、保龄球、台球、桑拿浴、蒸气浴等康乐设施;

    Healthy care facilities , such as all kinds of health care machine , pool ball , sana steamed bathing facilities .

  11. 在自然保护区内以原生森林和丰富的鸟种闻名,旅客亦可享用度假村内康乐设施。

    In the area known for its indigenous forest and prolific bird life , you could enjoy the various facilities in the Reserve .

  12. 不像许多旅馆,索莱说,二&布通常是免费提供康乐设施,包括本地电话,互联网接入,瓶装水和零食。

    Unlike many hotels , Soule says , b & bs usually provide free amenities , including local phone calls , Internet access , bottled water and snacks .

  13. 西山一称碧鸡山。山顶缆车主要作为康乐设施使用,在一九九八年的载客量平均每日达9000人次。

    The Western Hills are also known as Bi'Ji'Shan or the Emerald Chicken Mountain . The line served an average of 9000 passengers a day in 1998 , mostly for recreational traffic .

  14. 茶艺师、夜总会等休闲康乐设施将伴您度过美好时光,是您社交、商务、休闲、会友的好去处。

    Tea Room , Night Club and other facilities for fitness and entertainment , making you have a good time , are the ideal piaces for social intercourse , business , entertainment and receiving friends .

  15. 建议增加康乐设施、丰富活动内容。(4)公园周边环境安全,交通便捷,可达性强,但公园的边界较封闭,与城市的联系较弱。

    The proposal is to increase the recreational facilities . ( 4 ) The environment surrounding the park is safety , and the transportation is convenient , but the boundary of the park is closed .

  16. 我们去年提出在公营部门与私营机构合作的范畴下,引进私营机构斥资兴建及管理康乐文化设施的试点计划。

    Last year , we proposed a trial scheme for the private sector to finance , build and manage recreational and cultural facilities under public private partnerships .

  17. 该局的职责包括保障环境卫生和公众健康,以及提供文娱服务和场地、康乐活动和设施。

    Its responsibilities included safeguarding environmental hygiene and public health as well as providing cultural services and venues and recreational programmes and facilities .

  18. 事务委员会同意成立小组委员会,负责跟进两个前市政局遗留下来的康乐及文化设施工程计划。

    The panel agreed to set up a subcommittee to follow up the outstanding leisure and cultural services projects of the former municipal councils .

  19. 室外桑拿室、康乐中心等设施相配套,是都市居民周末休闲、度假、疗养的好去处。

    Outdoor sauna rooms , indoor recreation centers and other facilities to match , of urban-dwellers with weekend leisure , vacation , a good place for convalescence .