
Kānɡ xī
  • Kangxi;reign period of emperor Shengzu
康熙 [kāng xī]
  • [Kangxi] (1654.5.4-1722.12.22) 清朝入关后的第二代皇帝。即清圣祖(爱新觉罗.玄烨)年号

  • 康熙、乾隆、咸丰

  • 清朝三代皇帝的年号

  1. 中国清代的《康熙字典》是世界上最早、字数最多的字典。于康熙55年(公元1716年)发行,共收47035个字。

    The Kangxi Dictionary , completed in the Qing Dynasty ( 1644 A.D. - 1911 A.D. ) and released in the 55th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi ( 1716 A.D. ), was the world 's earliest and biggest dictionary with 47035 entries of Chinese characters .

  2. 同时也详细地阐述了COM/DCOM技术和基于COM/DCOM的ActiveX技术以及ActiveX技术在《e康熙字典》中的应用。

    At the same time , this article systematically introduces COM / DCOM technology , ActiveX technology based on COM / DCOM and application of ActiveX technology at 《 e-KangXi Dictionary 》 .

  3. 在最后一次席卷了阿尔巴济诺(Albazino)之后,康熙放出话说,如果俄罗斯人愿意退出黑龙江,中国将会打开皮毛以及其他贸易的大门。

    After the final storming of Albazino , Kangxi sent word that if Russia would withdraw from the Amur , China would open trade in furs and more .

  4. 康熙在我国水稻栽培史上的贡献

    Kangxi 's Contribution to the Advancement of Rice Culture in China

  5. 用控制模型解析康熙朝的监察系统

    Analysis of Kangxi Dynasty 's supervisory system by the control model

  6. 康熙帝的科技活动和管理举措

    Emperor Kangxi 's Activities and Managerial Behavior in Science and Technology

  7. 康熙皇帝肖像画及相关问题

    A Tentative Discussion of Portraits of the Kangxi Emperor and Related Questions

  8. 康熙帝对风的认识,有独到的见解。

    Emperor Kangxi had an original view of wind function .

  9. 《(康熙)杏花村志》的社会影响与价值

    Social Impact and Value of Historical Records of Kangxi in Xinghua Village

  10. 评康熙帝的大气物理知识

    An evaluation on emperor kangxi 's knowledge of Atmospheric Physics

  11. 康熙帝的外国朋友

    A Foreign Friend of Emperor kangxi of Qing Dynasty

  12. 从康熙的诗歌创作看其积极用世的情怀

    A View on Emperor Kangxi 's Positive Attitude Toward Life From His Poems

  13. 康熙时期黄淮水灾成因探析

    Analysis of flood of the Yellow River and Huaihe River in Kangxi period

  14. 康熙是清朝历史上在位时间最长的皇帝。

    Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty history , the longest reigning emperor .

  15. 论康熙帝的科技管理思想及举措

    Emperor KangXi ` s ideas and practices in the scientific and technologic management

  16. 康熙帝与《明史》

    Emperor Kang Xi and Ming Shi ( History of the Ming Dynasty )

  17. 《康熙字典》对《字汇》、《正字通》有着紧密的传承关系。

    KangxiZidian has close relationship with Zihui and Zhengzitong .

  18. 至康熙时期,启心郎这一官职被废止。

    Qixinlang , the official position , wasn 't abolished until Kangxi Period .

  19. 康熙皇帝为中国文学发展作出了很大贡献。

    Emperor Kangxi made great cotributions to Chinese literature .

  20. 康熙四十二年(1703年),清廷在此修建避暑山庄。

    In1703 , the Qing Emperor Kangxi began to build the Mountain Resort .

  21. 康熙财政思想解析

    An Analysis of Emperor Kangxi 's Financial Thoughts

  22. 康熙皇帝曾经赞誉德州扒鸡为中华第一鸡。

    Emperor Kang Xi had praised it for " the Chinese first chicken " .

  23. 传统版画艺术与康熙五彩是中国绘画中的不同种类,传统版画的在表现技法、构图形式与创作题材等方面都对康熙五彩的发展有着重要的影响。

    Kangxi colorful and arts of traditional printmaking are different kinds of Chinese painting .

  24. 其中自然因素是①康熙初年出现的特大暴雨天气所致。

    Nature factors were those ( 1 ) the rainstorm in early Kangxi Period .

  25. 康熙时期瓷器上云纹基本形态特征研究

    Study of the basic forms and characteristics of the moir patterns in Kangxi period

  26. 康熙前期(1662-1683年)清与朝鲜的关系探析

    The Early Period of Kangxi ( 1662-1683 ) the Relation of Qing and Korea

  27. 康熙五十八年(1719年)开始,汉族进入巴塘。

    The people of the Han nationality got into Batang since 1719 in kangxi Empire .

  28. 1706年12月17日,康熙帝下达了驱逐令和领票令。

    December 17th , 1706 , Emperor Kangxi issued the deportation order and votes-get order .

  29. 在六十一年,康熙曾统治时间最长的任何中国皇帝。

    At sixty one years , Kangxi had the longest reign of any Chinese Emperor .

  30. 从康熙中期起,农业生产逐步恢复和发展。

    From the mid-time of Kangxi , the agricultural production had restored and developed gradually .