
kāng fù zhōng xīn
  • health recovery centre;rehabilitation centre
康复中心[kāng fù zhōng xīn]
  1. 60年前,罗菲帕克康复中心(RoffeyParkRehabilitationCentre)在英格兰东南部的霍舍姆开业。

    Sixty years ago in Horsham in the south east of England , the Roffey Park Rehabilitation Centre opened for business .

  2. 渥太华大学医学系副教授、渥太华医院康复中心心理学家Wilson说。

    Wilson , who is an associate professor of medicine at the University of Ottawa and a psychologist at the Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre .

  3. 目的探讨家长培训在脑性瘫痪(cerebralpalsy,CP)康复中心的作用。

    Objective To study the functional promotion action affected by the Patriarch Training School ( PTS ) on Cerebral Palsy .

  4. 我今天早上要带eddie去康复中心。

    I 'm taking Eddie to rehab this morning .

  5. JoanBorsten是康复中心的负责人,她说停止服用药物很难,因为药物改变了身体的化学性质。

    Joan Borsten heads the center . She says stopping is difficult because the drugs change the body 's chemistry .

  6. 在VA医院和其他诊所正在测试一上肢训练仪,看看他们是否值得在康复中心普遍使用,或者甚至在家里。

    And several upper-arm trainers are being tested in VA hospitals and other clinics to see if they 're cost-effective for widespread use in rehab & or even therapy at home .

  7. 两个星期后,梅里达被送进政府为离开FARC的土著青年开设的康复中心。

    After two weeks , Melida was taken to a government rehabilitation center for indigenous youth who had left the FARC .

  8. 在建的牛津康复中心由建筑师克里斯维尔金森(chriswilkinson)设计,这是一座树屋,坐落于丛林树巅的高脚屋中。

    A centre under construction at Oxford by architect Chris Wilkinson is a tree house , elevated on stilts so that it sits in the wood at the level of the leaves .

  9. Eleanor我们做了很多年的朋友了,rehab:康复中心自从…在MarcJacobs进勒戒所之前steal:偷朋友是不会偷朋友老公的。

    Eleanor , we 've been friends for a long time .... Since before Marc Jacobs went into rehab . - Eleanor : Friends don 't steal other friends ' husbands . -

  10. stay:呆在center:中心他一直住在Ostroff康复中心。

    Lily : he 's been staying at the Ostroff center . -

  11. 他对我很好,除了Strophe康复中心。也不像其他人那样当我是怪人。

    He 's cool to me , and he doesn 't treat me like some freak that just out of the Strophe center . -

  12. 研究小组负责人之一向井寿治说:“我们希望,通过未来几年的研究,RI-MAN机器人将能用于护理老年人,或者能在康复中心工作”。

    " We 're hoping that through future study it will eventually be able to care for elderly people or work in rehabilitation center ," said Toshiharu Mukai , one of the research team leaders .

  13. 康复中心就象一座大型生态系统,集各种科技与治疗于一身。

    The hospital is a vast ecosystem of technologies and processes .

  14. 她得去康复中心戒瘾。

    She has come down with a sudden case of rehab .

  15. 综合性康复中心病床利用情况分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Sickbed Utilization in the General Rehabilitation Center

  16. 康复中心病区的医院感染特点及病原菌耐药性分析

    Characteristics of Nosocomial Infection and Bacterial Strains in a Rehabilitation Center

  17. 我不想去康复中心&收容中心。

    I don 't want to go to rehabilitation & readopting center .

  18. 你从康复中心回来之后就开始画画了。

    You started painting since you got back from rehab .

  19. 我会带你直接去去盲人康复中心。

    I 'll take you straight to the centre for the blind .

  20. 现在,在康复中心,我们有了7座建筑物和127个工作人员。

    We now have seven buildings and127 staff in the Revival Centre .

  21. 如今,罗菲帕克康复中心是一个知名的管理发展和培训机构。

    Today Roffey park is a well-known management development and Training Institute .

  22. 对于这类康复中心的成功,詹克斯自有颇为形象的比喻。

    Jencks has a compelling metaphor for the success of the centres .

  23. 当今心血管病的预防和康复中心肺运动试验的作用

    Role of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in today 's cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation

  24. 第二次进康复中心是件很丢人的事

    Going back to rehab a second time was humbling .

  25. 他们会把他丢在康复中心。

    They 're just gonna put them in rehab .

  26. 事后我们像平时那样把她送到康复中心。

    We sent her to the recovery center afterwards like we always do .

  27. 而现在我必须去康复中心。

    And now I have to go to rehab .

  28. 你是说我发现的康复中心的宣传册。

    You mean like that rehab brochure I found .

  29. 你们可以去新生活康复中心随便问

    You can ask anyone at New Springs Recovery .

  30. 康复中心也会提供止痛药。

    You can still havepain meds in rehab .