
  1. 廖观音事件主要爆发于东山客家地区,廖本人亦为客家后裔,事件的参与主体民众多为客家后裔。

    This event mainly broke out in hakka areas in Dongshan . The participants in events were mostly descendants of the hakka , so it was with Liao .

  2. 廖观音事件是20世纪初成都农村下层民众发动的一次以反清灭洋为口号具有秘密宗教性质的反帝反封运动。

    Liao Guan yin Event that lower rural people launched in Chengdu at the beginning of 20th century was a secret religious anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movement with the slogan turning over Qing Dynasty and eliminating foreign religions .