
yán pìn
  • engage;employ
延聘 [yán pìn]
  • [engage;employ] 聘请

延聘[yán pìn]
  1. 据SKT已经接洽之一些银行家表示,该公司目前正处于延聘顾问进行此笔投资之阶段,可能“很快”就会选定顾问。

    SKT is now in the process of hiring advisers to make the investment and the mandate is likely to be awarded " imminently ," according to bankers who have been approached .

  2. 百计延聘英才,提高教育质量;

    Searching for the person of excellent ability to improve the education quality ;

  3. 这些公司不太可能延聘基本年薪低于15万美元或与之相当待遇的人来填补空缺。

    It 's unlikely a firm will be searching [ to fill a position ] below $ 150,000 base salary or the equivalent .

  4. 特地正在您路途抵章启个末了篇章,您被延聘与我重新毗连,阿谁您经历的死命窜改已产死了。

    Especially in this final chapter of your journey , you are invited to reconnect with me , the life form on which your experiment took place .