
jiàn cái shì chǎnɡ
  • building materials market
  1. 石家庄市绿色建材市场发展战略研究

    Study on the Strategy of the Green Building Materials Market of Shijiazhuang

  2. 与此同时,长江河道内蕴藏的优质砂石以成本低,回报快,利润大的显著优势受到了建材市场的青睐。

    At the same time , the low price , quick interest return and huge profit of high quality sand of Yangzi River attract the attention of building materials market .

  3. 伯克希尔控制着广泛的公司业务,包括铁路巨头伯灵顿北方圣塔菲铁路公司(BurlingtonNorthernSantaFe),以及从家居建材市场获利颇丰的其他公司。

    It owns a wide variety of businesses including railroad giant Burlington Northern Santa Fe and companies that benefit from home construction .

  4. 市场调研公司gfk称,英国家居建材市场在截至今年7月份的6个月中经历了严重萎缩。

    The UK home improvement market suffered a sharp contraction in the six months to July , according to GfK , the market research company .

  5. 建材市场电子商务系统的分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design on E-commerce System of Building Material Market

  6. 分析:谁在幕后操纵建材市场价格?

    Analysis : Who is behind the market prices of building materials ?

  7. 我国装饰建材市场前景展望

    The Prospects about Decorates the Building Materials Market Foreground in our Country

  8. 银川市建材市场天然石材放射性水平调查

    Investigation of Radioactivity Level in Rock as Commercial Building Materials in Yinchuan City

  9. 今年建材市场趋势浅析

    On the market trend of building materials in 1996

  10. 从杭州花都市场谈建材市场的火灾扑救

    Discussion on fire fighting with building materials market based on Hangzhou Huadu market

  11. 山东建材市场研究

    Study on Building Materials Market in Shandong

  12. 节能安全玻璃贴膜现身建材市场

    A glass film with energy saving & safety function appears on the building material Market

  13. 近期全国建材市场走势展望

    Trend of building materials market OUTLOOK

  14. 有关部门加强建材市场各个环节监督,才能减少天然辐射照射。

    Supervision should be strengthened on the construction material market to reduce the natural radiation hazards .

  15. 以氧化镁、氯化镁为原料的菱镁制品正迅速进入建材市场,其表面活性剂具有疏水和分散颜料的作用。

    With magnesium oxide and magnesium chloride as the raw materials , the magnesite products are rapidly entering the market of constructing materials .

  16. 劈离砖是当前建材市场重要商品,生产工艺独特,对陶土和瓷土原料要求严格。

    Pili Tile is an important commodity in building material market , its production technology is peculiar and is strict with pottery and porcelain clay .

  17. 对当前节能建材市场需求和节能建材发展中的困惑加以分析,并指出了发展的基本途径。

    The market application of energy-saving building materials and the perplexity in the development of energy-saving building materials are analyzed , and some basic ways of development are pointed out .

  18. 从去年年底开始,我频繁往来于皮毛市场、电子城、美发用品城、花卉市场和建材市场。

    From the end of last year , I travelled between the leather market , the electronic mall , the hairdressing supplies market , flower market and building materials market frequently .

  19. 9个月的监测成果表明:基坑施工开挖对小区的建筑物影响较小,对消防建材市场二层楼房影响较大;

    The monitoring results show that the excavation work has a small effect on the adjoining residential buildings but a large effect on the 2-storey building of the adjoining building material market .

  20. 目前,家装建材市场鱼目混珠现象屡见不鲜,对公众生命以及国家财产安全造成了严重的威胁。

    Nowadays , the faking activities in the market of building materials for home decoration happen from time to time , threatening the life of the consumers and the loss of state property .

  21. 在建筑节能的发展趋势下实心粘土砖逐渐退出建材市场,混凝土空心砌块得到广泛应用,特别在村镇建筑中占有越来越大的比重。

    With the trend of building energy efficiency the solid clay gradually elapses out of the building materials market , the concrete hollow block is in more and more widely used , especially playing an increasingly large proportion in rural areas .

  22. SBS和APP化学建材原料市场的现状与前景

    Developing market of SBS and app chemical construction materials

  23. 该产品是符合环保要求的绿色建材,市场前景广阔。

    These products are green building materials , and have broad market prospects .

  24. 在中国高度分散的建材超市市场上,家世界家居是三大连锁集团之一。

    It is one of the three largest chains in a highly fragmented market .

  25. 中国的建筑装饰行业是一个蓬勃兴起的朝阳产业,而装饰建材交易市场是一个正在发展、逐步规范、逐步向现代流通方式转变的行业。

    The industry of building decoration in China is a sunrise industry . The trading market of decorative building materials is an industry which is being developed , and gradually regulated and turned into modern circulation means .

  26. 开滦(集团)新型建材分公司市场营销战略

    Kailuan Group New Construction Material Branch Market Operation Strategy Company

  27. 化学建材与化工原料市场前景展望

    Prospects for Chemical Building Materials and Industrial Chemicals of Market Foreground