
  • 网络Structure;Building Construction;architecture construction
  1. 改革《建筑构造》课程内容安排的尝试

    An Attempt to Reform Arrangement of Content of Building Construction

  2. 建筑构造课程的教学与改革思考

    Reflections on the Teaching and Reform of Building Construction Course

  3. 这建筑构造奇异。

    The building was of bizarre construction .

  4. 建筑学专业课教学的现代化手段&关于建筑构造MCAI课件的开发

    A Modernization Teaching Means of Architectural Course-Making Process of Architectural Construction MCAI Courseware

  5. MCAI在建筑构造课教学中的运用

    MCAI in architectural education

  6. 基于对工厂建筑构造的考虑,能尽快给我们一些明确的指导吗?

    Status Offline I think that fty instead of road is building .

  7. 住宅建筑构造柱热桥采暖能耗的分析

    The energy consumption analysis of constructional column thermal bridge in the residential buildings

  8. 建筑构造元素与室内深化设计

    The Element of Architecture Construction and Deepening Interior Design

  9. 影响结构耐久性的建筑构造探析

    Analysis on the Building Structure Influenced by Structural Durability

  10. 高舒适度低能耗健康建筑构造与施工

    Structure and construction of healthy building of high comfort and low energy consumption

  11. 技术新形势下的建筑构造课教学方法研究

    Study on the Teaching Method of Building Construction Course under New Situation of Technology

  12. 《建筑构造》教学改革研究

    A Research into Teaching Reform of Construction Structures

  13. 建筑构造实验室的设计和实施

    Talk about design of laboratory of building construction

  14. 建筑构造与细部的文化表现

    Cultural Representation in Architectural Construction and Detail

  15. 试论建筑构造教学中学生综合能力的培养

    Improving students ability through teaching building structure

  16. 新型建筑构造铝电解厂房内隔墙局部阻力系数的实验研究

    Experiment on coefficient of local resistance for perforated interior walls in a new-style aluminum potroom

  17. 隔震建筑构造设计

    The Constitution Design of Isolation Building

  18. 建筑构造与建筑装饰的和谐统一,就能产生建筑艺术的独特风格。

    Harmony and unity of structure and decoration of architecture can produce unique style of architectural art .

  19. 倒置式保温屋面建筑构造的探讨

    Discussion on inverted heatproof roof

  20. 建筑构造中的色彩

    Colour in architecture structure

  21. 纳西族民居的构造方法与我国传统的以木结构为主的建筑构造方法相同。

    The construction method of civilian building in Naxi is the same as that of wood structure in tradition .

  22. 结构的耐久性与所处环境有很大关系,而建筑构造作为满足建筑功能实现的一系列措施,确实对建筑结构所处的环境有着极大的影响。

    The construction 's ever-lasting has a great relation to the situations , which are greatly influenced by the structures .

  23. 电解铝车间建筑构造与立面造型设计从清华坊到万科第五园&论现代中式住宅立面造型设计手法之发展

    From Tsing Hua Fang to Wanke DiWuYuan & Talk about the improvement of shape design techniques on modern Chinese dwelling house

  24. 从建筑构造课程教学改革实践看学生综合能力的培养

    View of the Cultivation of Students Ability to Analyze and Solve Problems from the Practice of Teaching Reform of Building Construction

  25. 在抗震联肢墙或核心筒中,为了保证结构侧向刚度或建筑构造原因,常有可能采用小跨高比连梁。

    The small-span-to-depth-ratio coupling beams are usually adopted in the coupled walls or core-walls to assure the lateral stiffness of structures .

  26. 浙江地区竹材资源丰富,自古,竹材就被广泛使用于建筑构造和日常生活中的器物制作。

    Zhejiang area rich bamboo resource , since ancient times , bamboo is widely used in building and artifacts of everyday life .

  27. 如果唯一能使你无法用笔墨语言形容的恍如月里宫阙、天仙境般界的建筑构造,那就是圆明园。

    If only you can imagine an ineffable architectural structure , like a palace in the moon , a fairyland , that is the Winter Palace .

  28. 进而总结出延边地区传统民居在建筑构造、建筑材料、建筑色彩、室内及院落的特征。

    Then summed up the five feature of traditional houses in the Yanbian area : building construction , building materials , building colors , indoor and courtyard .

  29. 本文依据大量古代文献及相关实物,从文字演变、建筑构造、造型特征、功能使用等方面,对作为建筑类型的楼、阁以及楼阁做了严谨而详尽的考证;

    According to the large amount of ancient literatures and relative remains , from the aspects of characters'evolvements , architectural constructions , modeling features , functional usages and etc.

  30. 这就变得很复杂了,因为我们要考虑到这个网络的结构、关系之间的建筑构造,是随时都在变的。

    And this was complicated because we needed to take into account the fact that the network structure , the architecture of the ties , was changing across time .