
jiàn zhù jié ɡòu
  • building structure
  1. 某高层建筑结构预应力混凝土板式转换层设计施工

    Design , Construction and Test of PC Transferring Plate in Tall Building Structure

  2. 建筑结构地震反应智能基础隔震的半主动控制

    Semi-active Isolation Control for Seismic Response of Building Structure

  3. 冷凝作用将最终使建筑结构腐朽掉。

    Condensation will eventually cause the fabric of the building to rot away .

  4. 如今的建筑结构复杂,需要建筑师和施工人员密切协作。

    Today 's complex buildings require close teamwork between the architect and the builders .

  5. 天坛的建筑结构很别致。

    The architectural structure of the Temple of Heaven is unique .

  6. MATLAB与建筑结构分析论结构性失业及其治理途径

    MATLAB AND ITS STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS On Structural Unemployment and Its Countermeasures

  7. 建筑结构鲁棒H∞控制与作动器优化配置一体化

    Integrated robust H_ ∞ control and optimal placement of actuators for building structure

  8. 建筑结构CAD系统中楼梯结构施工图绘制方法研究

    The Study of the Method for Stairs Working Drawing in the CAD System

  9. ANSYS在建筑结构火灾反应分析中的应用

    Application of ANSYS to fire-response analysis of building structures

  10. 高层建筑结构CAD中剪力墙节点几何归并的点阵表示法和矢量表示法

    The dot matrix indication method and vector matrix indication method for grouping together shear wall nodes in the tall building CAD system

  11. VR技术在建筑结构效果图中应用研究

    The application research of VR technology in effect drawing of architecture structure

  12. 采用半主动TMD的建筑结构振动控制研究

    Research on Semi-Active TMD of Building Structure Vibration Control

  13. 基于ANSYS有限元软件讨论了高层建筑结构利用悬挂质量摆减震的原理及减震性能。

    An approach using the suspended mass pendulum to reduce the structural response to earthquake ground motion was discussed based on the ANSYS software .

  14. 高层建筑结构三维空间分析软件TBSA使用的几个问题

    Some Problems of Using Threedimensional Space Analysis Software TBSA on Multistorey Building Strctures

  15. FRP在土木工程领域既能作为结构材料直接用于新建结构,还能作为加固材料加固建筑结构。

    In the field of Civil Engineering , FRP can be directly used for new architecture as a kind of structural materials and reinforce structures as a kind of reinforcement material .

  16. 采用面向对象技术和关系数据库相结合的方法,构造和初步建立了高层建筑结构的工程数据库,能够较好地解决高层建筑结构集成化CAD系统的数据组织和管理问题。

    By combining object-oriented modeling technique with relation database approach , a tall building engineering database is constructed and established preliminarily . This engineering database can effectively organize and manage the data of the tall building structure integration CAD system .

  17. 基于ETABS的双塔楼高层建筑结构动力特性研究

    A Study of the Dynamic Response of Twin-tower Tall Building Based on the Structure Analysis Software ETABS

  18. 介绍了利用VISUALBASIC语言和Authorware著作工具开发《多高层建筑结构设计》多媒体CAI系统的全过程,并介绍了该系统的主要功能,同时讨论了开发过程中的一些关键技术及其实现方法。

    The development of a multimedia CAI system based on Visual Basic and Authorware for structural design of multiple-story and high-rise buildings is detailedly introduced . The main function of the system is introduced and then key technique and achieved method are also discussed .

  19. 目的将以B样条函数为基础的QR法与Pushover分析方法相结合,建立高层建筑结构静力弹塑性分析的Pushover-QR法。

    Combining the QR-method based on B-spline functions and the pushover analysis method , the authors put forward the pushover-QR method for static elasto-plastic analysis of high-rising buildings in this paper .

  20. 给出了一个EDDS在建筑结构抗震选型中的应用实例,论证了EDDS的可实现性、优越性和先进性。

    An example of EDDS application in aseismic building structure type choosing is presented , while its feasibility and advantages are demonstrated simultaneously .

  21. 本文介绍了应用预应力砼建筑结构设计系列软件(PRCS)进行结构的预应力筋方案设计与优化的方法。

    This paper introduces an optimum method for scheme of prestressing tendon of prestressed concrete building structures by using PRCS program .

  22. 通过参数分析,比较粘滞阻尼器和粘弹性阻尼器对单层不对称结构复模态参数的影响及减震效果。(2)基于改进Ritz法的非比例阻尼高层建筑结构的地震响应计算。

    Base on parameter analysis , comparison is made between viscous and viscoelastic dampers ' influence on modal parameters of asymmetric one-storey structure and vibration reduction effect . ( 2 ) Improved Ritz method to analyze seismic response of tall building with non-classical damping .

  23. 结合建筑结构设计规范和建筑平法图集(03G101),提出三段工程量计算模型;

    Based on current building structure code and standard drawings ( 03G101 ), it is presented a three-part model to calculate the volume of beam .

  24. 最后通过算例分析并与有限元分析软件Etabs对比数据,得到了地基变形对斜交建筑结构协同分析、二阶分析和整体稳定分析影响的一些结论。

    Finally An example is the calculation with the finite element Etabs analysis and comparative data , which were taken into account deformation foundation cooperative analysis , second-order analysis , and overall stability of the impact of some conclusions .

  25. 关于锅炉构架设计与GB50009-2001《建筑结构荷载规范》[1]和GB50011-2001《建筑抗震设计规范》[2]在效应组合方面的协调问题,其间向国内7位知名专家进行了咨询。

    Presents the coordination issues on effect Combination between boiler structural design and " Load Code for the Design of Building Structures "( GB50009-2001 ) & " Code for Seismic Design of Buildings "( GB50011-2001 ) .

  26. 文章研究的预应力混凝土框架结构施工图的生成系统,系预应力混凝土建筑结构软件PRCS的后处理开发部分。

    A micro computer aided design system for the prestressed concrete frame structural working drawing has been studied in the paper . The system which is part of the PRCS software is based on a simplified graphic software .

  27. 从建筑结构控制系统的特性出发,针对带AMD-TMD混合控制系统的建筑结构,建立了全阶模型,并提出降阶模型。

    From the characters of building structure control system , the whole state model is established for AMD-TMD admixture control system and the reduced model is proposed , and then the equivalent two-port model is introduced into the building structure with AMD-TMD .

  28. 然后就现行规范可靠度水平进行讨论,指出安全裕度偏低,需要在修订《建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准》(GB50068-2001)时解决。

    Afterwards , it is discussed the reliability level of the current code and pointed out that the low safety margin should be resolved by revising the " Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Building Structures "( GB 50068-2001 ) .

  29. 本文主要围绕着带桩箱基础的高层建筑结构的动力特性和振动控制进行了研究,主要内容如下:1.对考虑桩箱-土-结构相互作用(BPSSI)的高层建筑结构进行了地震响应分析。

    In this thesis , the dynamic properties and vibration control of the tall building structures with box-pile foundation were studied , and the main contents are as follows : 1 . This thesis analyzed seismic response of the high-rise building structures considering box-pile-soil-structure interaction ( BPSSI ) .

  30. 建筑结构探测雷达系统分析与试验研究

    Analysis and Experiments for Tentative Radar System of Building Structures Detection