
  1. 建筑节能工程质量监督中应注意的问题

    Questions to Quality Control of the Saving Building Material Project

  2. 建筑节能工程的监督管理与质量控制

    Supervision management and quality control of building energy saving project

  3. 论工程监理对建筑节能工程的监督与控制

    Supervising and Controlling of Engineering Management to Energy-Saving Project

  4. 唐山市在建筑节能工程建设过程中取得的经验

    Experiences got in the construction process of building energy saving project of Tangshan city

  5. 电热膜辐射供暖在建筑节能工程中的应用分析

    The analysis of the practical application with the electric radiant heating membrane using in the building energy-saving

  6. 《建筑节能工程施工验收规范》在夏热冬冷地区的应用

    Application of the acceptance standard of energy-saving building construction in areas hot in summer and cold in winter

  7. 本文在调研的基础上,对建筑节能工程关键部位提出改进,并进行了数值模拟研究。

    Based on this research , some suggestions are given for the key part of energy saving engineering .

  8. 对如何有效开展我国建筑节能工程监理的探讨建筑节能工程质量监督中应注意的问题

    Effective Development of Supervision on Architectural Energy Conservation Engineering in China Questions to Quality Control of the Saving Building Material Project

  9. 因此,找出严寒地区常见的建筑节能工程质量通病,探索质量通病的防治措施和治理手段,是十分有必要的。

    Therefore , it is very necessary to identify the common energy efficient building quality defects of cold area and to explore preventive measures and treatment methods .

  10. 针对DeST软件在高层建筑节能评估工程中计算时间长的缺点,文章结合实际建筑围护结构的热工参数,以传热学理论为基础,对实际高层建筑进行了简化。

    On the basis of the long-time calculation the DeST software costs in high-rise building energy saving evaluation , the hot working parameter of practical exterior-protected construction , and heat transfer theory , the actual high-rises have been simplified .

  11. 湖北省出入境检验检疫局实验楼空调工程是国家建筑节能示范工程,采用加入热回收部分的冷却塔&垂直地埋管混合式地源热泵系统作为空调方案。

    Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau in Hubei Province lab building air conditioning project is an energy-saving demonstration project of national , its air conditioning program used cooling tower & vertically underground pipe ground source heat pump system with heat recovery part .

  12. 这种新型保温砂浆可用于外墙外保温,突破了传统保温砂浆只能作内保温的局限,已在建筑节能示范工程中大规模应用。

    This new type of insulating mortar can be used as outer thermal insulation of outside wall , which breaks the limitation of traditional insulating mortar only as interior insulation . It has been widely used in the building energy-saving model project .

  13. 建筑围护结构节能工程施工质量控制

    On quality control of energy-saving projects in architectural enclosure structure

  14. 建设部推广应用技术&建筑节能、地下工程与新型建材领域

    Popularize Application Technology in Ministry of Construction & Building Energy Saving , Underground Engineering and New Building Materials Field

  15. 湿冷地区建筑围护结构保温节能工程的通病与防治

    Quality Control of Architectural Exterior Wall Insulation in Humid and Cold Regions

  16. 既有群体建筑围护结构节能诊断工程案例

    Energy-saving diagnosis case of building envelope of existing building groups

  17. 建筑节能技术在具体工程中的应用

    Application of Building Energy Saving Technology in a Project

  18. 建筑节能新技术在工程上的应用及其经济效益的分析

    New Technology of Architectural Energy-Saving Applied to Construction Engineering and its Analysis of Economic Efficiency

  19. 因此,既有建筑节能是建筑节能工程的重中之重。

    Therefore , the existing buildings energy saving reconstruction became top priority of the building energy saving engineering .

  20. 建筑节能围护结构保温工程质量监管重点与原因分析

    Key Points of Construction Quality Supervision for Thermal Insulation of Architectural Energy-Saving Cladding Structure and Related Cause Analysis

  21. 关中地区不同后屋仰角日光温室保温性能分析浅析建筑节能环保型房屋工程的保温材料选择

    Thermal Insulation Property Analysis of Various Back-roof Elevation Angle Solar Greenhouse in Central Shaanxi Plain The analysis of the selection of the thermal insulation materials for the housing projects of architectural energy-saving and environmental preservation

  22. 康居示范工程的实践,在居民区规划设计、建筑体系、建筑节能、工程质量、开发理念等方面起到了很好的示范成果,推广其经验,有助于引导住宅建设健康发展。

    The practice of housing pilot project has well demonstrated achievements in planning design of resident zone , architecture system , building energy saving , project quality and development concept . The spread of its experience will help lead the healthy development of housing constrction .

  23. 介绍了建筑节能观念的演变、建筑节能工程的特点、建筑节能服务的社会属性和商品属性。

    Presents the development of building energy efficiency concepts , the features of building energy efficiency engineering and the society and commodity properties of building energy efficiency services .

  24. 按照我国建筑外墙保温的相关标准要求,用于建筑节能工程的保温材料本身是不会被电焊火花引燃的。

    According to related exterior insulation codes , the qualified insulation material itself will be not be ignited by the welding sparkles .

  25. 建筑节能是我国节能减排事业的重要组成部分。但对于严寒地区,建筑节能工程中有诸多质量通病时有出现,减弱了建筑的节能效果,严重恶化人居环境,困扰着工程人员。

    Building energy saving play an important role in the emission reduction in China , but there are many quality problems occurring from time to time in building energy saving engineering weakening the effect of energy saving building and worsening residential environment and engineering staffs are troubled by this .

  26. 从能源的概念、建筑科学发展、建筑学科发展和科学、工程、技术与产业的关联,揭示了建筑节能科学、建筑节能工程、建筑节能技术和建筑节能产业的内在联系。

    From the concept of energy , building scientific development , the discipline of architecture development , and science , engineering , technology and industrial association , reveal internal connection among the BEE science , BEE engineering , BEE technologies and BEE industry .