
jiàn zhù fǎ ɡuī
  • building code;building law
  1. 关于美国《统一建筑法规》地震荷载在钢结构设计中的应用

    Application of Earthquake Loading Stipulated in Uniform Building Code 1997 in Steel Structural Design

  2. 浅析《统一建筑法规》地震荷载的计算与应用

    A Preliminary Analysis of Seismic Load Calculation on the Basis of Uniform Building Code of 1997 and its Practical Use

  3. 建筑法规一向都无人遵守。

    Building regulations have been habitually flouted .

  4. 变化的建筑法规,不断发展的品味,加上保养这些美丽而老旧的指示牌所需的高昂成本,都让商家们更欢迎LED灯,虽然LED灯节省能源,但是成本依然很高。

    Changing building codes , evolving tastes , and the high cost of maintaining those wonderful old signs have businesses embracing LEDs , which are energy efficient , but still carry great cost .

  5. WTO与我国的建筑法规

    WTO and building codes

  6. 应当责成亚洲每一个与建筑法规有关的官员,都去看一看澳大利亚墨尔本小柯林斯街(LittleCollinsStreet)上一座其貌不扬的10层建筑。

    Every senior bureaucrat in Asia concerned with building codes should be obliged to inspect a modest-looking , 10-storey building in Little Collins Street in the Australian city of Melbourne .

  7. 文中通过文献研究和访谈,在归纳设计-建造模式的特点及日益广泛的应用范围的基础上,从建筑法规、企业结构、人员能力3个方面分析了DB模式在中国发展缓慢的原因。

    The paper sums up the character and scope and then studies the reasons for slowly developing in China in terms of construction law , enterprise framework and capability by literature and interview .

  8. 对照WTO的原则及国际惯例,分析了我国现行建筑法规中存在的问题,从市场准入、技术标准和规范建设、专业协会参与立法等方面,提出了完善我国建筑法规的思路和对策。

    Refer to WTO principles and international conventions the problems existed in present building codes in our country are analyzed . And from market , technical standards , code establishment , legislation and other aspects the ideas and countermeasures are proposed to perfect Chinese building codes .

  9. GEM的秘书长RuiPinho说,他希望该项目将有助于为发展中国家面临风险的社区带来安全的建筑法规。

    Rui Pinho , GEM 's secretary general , said he hoped the project would help bring safe construction rules to communities at risk in developing countries .

  10. 当地建筑法规可管辖的最低限额的高度。

    Local building codes may govern the minimum ceiling heights .

  11. 都是严格按照建筑法规建造的

    has been built following strict construction codes .

  12. 不清楚加盖的阁楼是否符合当地建筑法规。

    It wasn 't clear whether the addition of the mezzanine met local building codes .

  13. 它还与当地政府合作,确保建筑法规考虑到灾害。

    It also works with local governments to ensure that building rules take disasters into account .

  14. 你认为政府新的住房建筑法规会有什么结局?

    What do you think will be the destiny of the government 's new housing legislation ?

  15. 日本经常遭受震灾,但严格的建筑法规意味着能把地震造成的损害降至最低

    Japan is regularly hit by earthquakes butstrict building codes mean they usually cause minimal damage .

  16. 日本建筑法规测试方法

    Japanese Building Law Test Method

  17. 委员会成员也审查各种法规,像是建筑法规等,并提供建议。

    Members review all legislation , such as those for construction codes , and offer their advice .

  18. 建筑法规处理这些影响静态现象,并涉及他们的实际情况,通过半经验方程。

    Building codes treat these effects as static phenomena and relate them to the actual conditions through semiempirical equations .

  19. 并力图从建筑法规、建筑设计和建筑技术这三个绿色建筑必需的方面,建构一个科学的、系统的、整体的绿色建筑研究框架。

    The thesis also tries to build a research frame by integrating laws , methods and techniques of green building design .

  20. 纽约市建筑法规规定该市的所有电梯必须定期检查,时间间隔不得超过一年。

    NYC Building Codes state that elevators in the city have to be thoroughly inspected at regular intervals , not exceeding one year .

  21. 总的来说,危地马拉城的地区规划条例和建筑法规非常薄弱,为数不多的几项规章制度也常常被忽视。

    In general , the zoning regulations and building codes in Guatemala City are poor , Bonis said , and the few regulations that exist are often ignored .

  22. 从建筑法规.城市及建筑设计、建筑技术诸多方面,对于人为破坏引发的建筑安全问题,提出安全栖居环境的设计方法和原则。

    This article concentrates on architectural safety caused by man-made destroy and explores some design measures from many aspects such as architectural regulation , urban planning and architectural technology .

  23. 明年,新建的和翻修的房屋,不管是民用的还是商用的,也不管是平面顶的还是斜面顶的,都将不得不搭建成反射热量的屋顶,这一点将列为节能建筑法规的一部分。

    Next year , new and retrofitted residential and commercial buildings , with both flat and sloped roofs , will have to install heat-reflecting roofing , as part of an energy-efficient building code .

  24. 匆忙变更建筑法规目的是降低建筑物在地震中倒塌的可能性,这并非不合理给房屋建造带来了灾难性的后果。

    A hurried change to building regulations , with the not unreasonable aim of making the buildings less likely to fall down in an earthquake , has had a disastrous effect on house building .

  25. 他说来自该研究的信息已经被用于设计巴拿马运河的新设施,而且巴拿马城正在修改建筑法规从而把这些新发现纳入其中。

    He said that information from the study was being used in the design of the new facilities in the canal and that Panama City 's building codes are being revised to incorporate the new findings .

  26. 由此形成与当前建筑法规和工程质量验收规范相配套的建筑工程质量评优管理模式和方法,有助于提高建筑工程质量和工程管理水平。

    In this way , we may found a new mode and method that is fit for rules and codes so that to got high quality of quality of building engineering and enhance level of engineering and management .

  27. 国外建筑技术法规与技术标准体制的研究

    Research on the System for Codes and Standards of Building Technology Abroad

  28. 我国建筑技术法规体系改革研究

    Study on Reformation of Building Technical Regulations System in China

  29. 完善建筑市场法规体系等。

    And to consummate law and regulation system in construction market , etc.

  30. 法国的建筑节能法规美国通用建筑规范简介

    Regulation of building energy-saving in France Brief Introduction of Uniform Building Code