
  • 网络building ground
  1. 钢纤维混凝土建筑地面工程技术规程及其应用

    Specification and application of design and construction of steel fibre reinforced concrete ground floor

  2. 建筑地面保温与节能

    Energy saving on ground floor of building

  3. 建筑地面工程施工及验收规范屋面工程施工操作规程

    Code for construction and acceptance of ground and floor engineering Construction operation specification for roof engineering

  4. 采暖建筑地面的保温性能及节能水平,体现了建筑地面设计的经济性和科学性,也影响着居民的健康与舒适。

    For a heated architecture , thermal performance and energy saving condition of its floor represent its scientific and economic benefits of its floor design . And they influence people 's health and comfort as well .

  5. 建筑区地面上风流动的显示方法

    Visual Method of Wind Near the Ground in Built - up Areas

  6. 实际上,与桥梁、建筑和地面上的机器相比,飞行器结构是非常灵活的。

    Indeed the structures of flight vehicles are very flexible when compared with bridges , buildings , and earthbound machines .

  7. 本文介绍公园的设计构思以及入口广场、园林、建筑、地面喷泉、植物应用以及灯光设计。

    The paper introduces the design conception of the park and the entrance square , garden building , surface fountain , plant application and light design .

  8. 作为设计者,必须寻找新的手段,高层建筑与地面上的人群之间建立新的联系,以体现对人的重视与关怀。

    Designer must find new measures to establish new connection between the tall building designed by him and the human on ground in order to show regard and concern .

  9. 方法在房屋建筑的地面层地坪下土壤中设置药饵木块或木桩,在木门框近地部位钻扎设置药饵。

    Methods Installing the wood blocks or stakes with toxicants in the ground and under the ground , the toxic baits in the location of wooden doorframe contacting the ground by drilling .

  10. 通过对砖砌体建筑中地面现浇整体式和预制装配式楼盖及屋面中各种类型裂缝的特征分析,阐明了裂缝产生的原因。

    Through the analysis on the characteristics of cracks existed in floor and roof in the building with brick masonry structure the producing reasons are elaborated and the prevention measures are proposed .

  11. 虽然无线通信技术飞速发展,但煤矿井下和其他地下建筑与地面间缺乏可靠有效的无线通信技术依然是制约生产安全和效率的瓶颈。

    With the rapid development of wireless communication , the lack of reliable and efficient wireless communication technology in coal mine and the other buildings underground is still restricted the safety and efficiency .

  12. 高层建筑群对地面沉降影响的模型试验研究

    Model Test Study of Influence of High-Rise Building on Ground Subsidence

  13. 上海城区建筑密度与地面沉降关系分析

    Relationship between building density and land subsidence in Shanghai urban zone

  14. 这事发生在另一个建筑里离地面30英尺的地方。

    This is happening inside a separate building , 30 feet in the air .

  15. 酒店建筑方面及地面和外部设施的维养也包括在工作职责范围内。

    Structural aspects of the hotel as well as the maintenance of grounds and external facilities all fall within the span of responsibility .

  16. 装在高建筑上通向地面的金属导体;保护高建筑免受闪电的破坏。

    A metallic conductor that is attached to a high point and leads to the ground ; protects the building from destruction by lightning .

  17. 本篇论文论述了现代城市公共建筑室内外地面铺装的设计,主要设计到城市公共建筑中不同的地面装饰铺装。

    This thesis discusses the indoor and outdoor ground pavement design in modern city public building . Mainly related to different ground decorative pavement in city public buildings .

  18. 这样混凝土粗糙的外观展现出的是强大破坏后残留的质感并且连接到大地形成一种呼应,使得建筑好像生长于地面一样。

    The ruin 's powerful presence is derived from its material qualities and from the way it is linked to the ground .

  19. 当地的委员会拒绝了一项双层建筑扩展到他的地面房产的申请,它不合乎主要房子的性质。

    The local council rejected an application for a two-storey extension to his property on the grounds it was out of character with the main house .

  20. 不难看出,现在公共建筑室内外空间地面铺装设计正在朝着更加生态、人文和整体的方向发展。

    It is easy to see that the ground covering design of indoor and outdoor space of public buildings is tend to ecological , cultural and overall development .

  21. 和这些建筑相平行的地面设计成了以高质量的外部空间,目的是为了和新的建筑相融合,同时创造出一个具有创意性的公共区域。

    Paralleling the development of the buildings has been the construction of high quality external spaces designed to integrate the new architecture and create a fresh and creative public realm .

  22. 得出地下建筑的顶板传热在总负荷中所占比例最大,建筑的地面传热负荷所占比例最小等结论。

    The conclusion is that the heat transfer in the roofs accounts for the largest proportion of the total load in the underground buildings , while the heat transfer on the floor accounts for the smallest proportion .