
  • Architectural Physics;【建】building physics
  1. 以上海地区的典型住宅为建筑物理模型,采用建筑物能耗分析软件DeST进行动态模拟。并对结果进行综合分析,根据计算结果,得出上海地区住宅建筑节能设计的经济性优化方案。

    Based on building physical models of typical housing in Shanghai , dynamic simulation with DeST ( building energy consumption analysis software ), integrative analysis on results and calculation results , an economic optimization scheme of housing & building energy-saving design in Shanghai is worked out .

  2. 建筑物理学科现状与发展趋势

    The Present Situation and Developing Tendency of Building Physics Subject

  3. 建筑物理作为一门技术性基础课程,我们必须给予足够的重视。

    As one of foundation course , architecture physics must be attached importance .

  4. 在一个建筑物理找到一段有四阶台阶以上的楼梯。

    Find a stairwell in a building with at least four full floors .

  5. 绿色住宅建筑物理环境的要求及技术措施

    The Requirements of the Green House for the Building Physical Environments and Technical Measures

  6. 建筑物理课程教学模式的改革与探索

    Teaching mode reform and exploration for building physics

  7. 模糊数学在建筑物理中的应用

    Application of fuzzy mathematics in architecture physics

  8. 本文介绍了建筑物理实验室建造的反射圆顶型人工天空。

    This article introduced an assembled hemispherical reflecting artificial sky constructed at the Architectural Physics Laboratory .

  9. 通过对建筑物理课程在教学和实际应用中存在的问题加以分析,提出了模块式教学体系的形式,介绍其内容及特色。

    This paper analyzes the existing problem and the deficiency of architectural physics course in teaching and practical application .

  10. 本文通过对当地传统民居空间的研究与建筑物理环境的测试分析,应用地域适宜性绿色建筑技术,创造出丽江老君山傈僳族民居更新的生态建筑模式语言。

    This paper creates the ecological architecture pattern language of Laojun Mountain by analyzing the physical environment and architectural space of local vernacular houses .

  11. 本文运用气候学、建筑物理、水力学和风压理论,从技术角度对传统民居进行了研究。

    This text studies traditional folk house from the point of view of technology , including climatologic , architectural physics , hydraulics and wind pressure theory .

  12. 从可持续发展和改善人居环境的角度来看,建筑物理对21世纪我国建筑学科的发展将起到很大的推动作用。

    Based on the concept of sustainable development and improvement of residential environments , architectural physics would play a very important role in promoting our architectural subject in 21st century .

  13. 室内装修工程中应重视建筑物理环境(声环境、光环境和热环境),从而提高人们生活和工作环境的科学性。

    The physical environment of a building ( sound environment , light and heat environment ) should be emphasized in indoor furnishing work in order to improve the living and working environment .

  14. 文章结合教学工作的实践经验以及从相关院校所了解的情况,对建筑物理课程的教学内容和方法的改革与实践提出了设想和建议。

    Integrating the status of architectural education from other universities with our own teaching work , the authors put forward ideas and suggestions about the contents and methods of architectural physics teaching and practice .

  15. 可持续发展理念的普及,要求建筑物的能源和资源消耗及污染物排放应大幅减少,具备生态属性.建筑物理学科的发展,为研究解决这些问题提供了必要的技术支撑。

    The idea of sustainable development and ecological attribute in architecture enquire great reduction in energy resources consumption and discharge of pollutants and that is just what building physics subject aims to solve and emphasize in the future .

  16. 分析了建筑物理实验教学在建筑专业中的重要地位,结合实践探讨建筑物理实验教学的整体思路与管理模式,提出了实验教学内容的优化和实验教学设备的优化。

    This article analyses the important standing of architecture physics experiment teaching in architecture . Based on the practice , the thoughts and the management mode of architecture physics experiment teaching are discussed , and the optimizing scheme of experiment teaching content and equipment are also presented .

  17. BIPV设计受到气候因素的影响,会导致PV系统发电效率和建筑室内物理环境的改变。

    BIPV design by climatic factors , will lead to PV system power generation efficiency and building indoor physical environment changes .

  18. 国外苗木产业发展的现状及对我国的启示和谐的照明中国建筑学会物理分会理事皇甫炳炎谈景观照明设计

    Development Situation of the Overseas Seedling Industry and the Illumination to China HARMONY ILLUMINATION

  19. 和谐的照明中国建筑学会物理分会理事皇甫炳炎谈景观照明设计园林照明研究

    HARMONY ILLUMINATION On the Design of Garden Illumination

  20. 夏热冬冷地区住宅建筑室内物理环境质量研究

    Researching Indoor Physical Environment Quality of Residential Buildings in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Area

  21. 建筑的物理场作用于人体的物理场,形成了建筑物强化或者是削弱人体生命能量的差别。

    The energy field of architecture can act on the energy field of human beings , so that it can strengthen or weaken vitality of human beings .

  22. 通过对建筑渣土物理成分和力学指标的分析,提出建筑渣土经石灰改性作为路基填料的实用性和可行性。

    Based upon analysis of the physical ingredients and mechanical properties of architecture sediment the practicability of the modification of architecture sediment with lime is presented , which can be used as roadbed filler .

  23. 该文还对竹材墙体的隔音和保温进行了测定,并根据GB/T15225&94《建筑幕墙物理性能分级》进行评判。

    The paper tested the performance of noise insulation , heat insulation and fire-resistance of bamboo wall , and graded them by the GB / T 15225 & 94 Graduation of physical performance for building curtain walls .

  24. 地下冷库建筑设计热物理理论基础

    The theory of thermal physics on a subsurface cold storage design

  25. 住宅建筑中室外物理环境要素健康简析

    Analysis on healthy elements of residence building 's outdoor physical environment

  26. 第四章则具体分析空间要素及其相互关系,包括空间的量、空间的形、空间的界面以及空间的联系,并且简要分析了创意产业园建筑空间的物理环境设计。

    Then this part also analysis the design of the physical environment .

  27. 建筑外窗物理性能检测新标准浅析与对策

    Analysis and Countermeasure of Graduation and Test Method for Building Physical Performances of Windows

  28. 地址是表示街道、建筑或其它物理元素的位的的地址种类的自由格式字符串。

    Address is a free-form string indicating a street , building or other type of address for the physical element 's location .

  29. 简化间歇机制下深埋拱形地下建筑的数学物理模型,采用整场求解方法,通过建立流体和固体区域的统一控制微分方程,将复杂的固体导热与流体对流换热通过彼此互为边界条件耦合起来。

    Based on the physical geometric model of vaulted underground structures , whole-field solution method is used ; controlling differential equations of the regions of solid and fluid is united ; complicated coupling boundary into interior boundary is transformed .

  30. 建筑外窗;物理性能;检测。

    Building windows , Physical properties , Test .