
  • 网络architectural theory;A Theory of Architecture
  1. 建筑理论与创作学术委员会1997年年会圆满结束

    Annual Meeting of the Architectural Theory and Design Committee in 1997

  2. 发现学习&建筑理论教学的新思路

    Finding Study : Some New Thoughts of Architectural Theory Teaching

  3. 《建筑理论与评论》(纲要)·序&建筑理论春秋

    Architecture Theory and Comment ( Compendium ) · Preface-Architecture Theory Annais

  4. 传统建筑理论与现代校园设计的融合

    Syncretizing the Theory of Traditional Architecture and Design of Contemporary Campus

  5. 禅与黑川纪章的代谢派建筑理论

    Zen and the metabolism school ′ s architecture theory of Kisho Kurokawa

  6. 后现代建筑理论及其对中国建筑设计的影响

    The Influence of Postmodern Architectural Theories to Chinese Architectural Design

  7. 关于中国古建筑理论研究的几个问题

    A Few Points on the Study of Ancient Architectural Theory

  8. 纯形式批评&彼得·埃森曼建筑理论研究

    Critique of Pure Form-Studies in Architectural Theories of Peter Eisenman

  9. 国内当代乡土与地区建筑理论研究现状及评述

    A Research on Theories of Contemporary Vernacular and Regional Architecture in China

  10. 查尔斯·詹克斯的宇源建筑理论评析

    Comments on the Theory of Cosmogenic Architecture by Charles Jencks

  11. 现代建筑理论认为:空间是建筑的灵魂。

    Modern architecture theory point out , space is the soul of architecture .

  12. 对西方学者误解马克思上层建筑理论的澄清

    A Clarification on the Misunderstanding of Marx 's Superstructure Theory by Western Scholars

  13. 中国建筑理论中的人与自然

    Human being and nature in the Chinese Architectural Theories

  14. 生态建筑理论发展初探

    Initial Analysis on the Development of the Ecologic Building

  15. 西方建筑理论发展趋势的分析

    The developing trend analysis of the west architecture theory

  16. 提高全社会的建筑理论修养

    Improve the Architectural Theoretical Culture of the Whole Society

  17. 勒·柯布西耶建筑理论中的理性与修辞

    Reason and Rhetoric in Le Corbusier 's Architecture Theory

  18. 浅析有机建筑理论与其形式生成的关系

    Simple Analysis of the Relation between the Theory of Organic Building and Its Physique

  19. 建筑理论在当下中国的困境

    Predicament of Architecture Theory in the Contemporary China

  20. 试论中国特色的建筑理论

    Discussion on special architectural theory of China

  21. 建筑理论的回顾和展望

    Retrospect and Prospect on Architectural Theory

  22. 本文依据1997年库哈斯在对曼谷进行研究时提出的超建筑理论为研究基础。

    Paper is based in Bangkok in 1997 Koolhaas studied architecture made of super-theory research base .

  23. 笔者认为,研究当代中国建筑理论发展有着重要的现实意义。

    The author believes that the development of new China architecture theory has important practical significance .

  24. 加强本科建筑理论教育的思考

    Strengthening Architectural Theories in Undergraduate Education

  25. 建筑理论之走向

    Contemporary Trend of Architectural Theory

  26. 有感于建筑理论

    Reflections on Architectural Theory

  27. 中国现代建筑理论体系是直接建立在西方建筑理论的基础之上的。

    Architectural theory in the West has formed the fundamental basis of architectural theoretical system of modem China .

  28. 结合建筑理论和技术的发展主要针对结构设计方面提出了唐山市高层建筑建设方面的思考与建议。

    In accordance with the development of structural theory and technology some consideration and proposals are put forward .

  29. 白玉有瑕魅力无穷&库哈斯新现代主义建筑理论的最初影响

    THE GREAT CHARM OF A INPERFECT JADE the initial influence of the koolhaas ` architectural theory of modernism

  30. 试论建筑理论研究的目的与方法&以范·德·拉恩的比例理论为例

    The Purpose and Approach of Architectural Theories : A Study of Hans van der Laan 's Proportion Theory