
jiàn shè zhōu qī
  • construction cycle;building period;building cycle
  1. 特别是国内政府、大公司,由于铺设专用网络设备投资过于巨大、建设周期长等原因,更加需要一种安全、低成本的适合我国国情的远程虚拟网络技术支持。

    Due to the huge input on the laying of special equipments and the long-term building cycle , we , especially the domestic government and large companies need a kind of safe and low-cost far-range virtual network technical support that suits national conditions .

  2. 基础设施建设具有建设周期长、资金投入量大、回收期长的特点。

    The infrastructure construction has the features of the older building cycle , greatly capital input amount , the longer recovery stage .

  3. 由于BOT项目投资规模大、建设周期长,项目的融资担保成为其最为重要的环节之一。

    As BOT project requires large investment and long construction period , its financing guarantee method is of great importance .

  4. 传统的符号库是平台相关的,无法在不同GIS系统之间实现共享,造成了大量的重复劳动,延长了GIS项目的建设周期。

    The conventional symbol library is binding on its platform , and the GIS can not share their symbol library , so it brings out a number of repetitive labors , prolongation of construction project .

  5. J公司在我国辽宁省进行管理的D项目总投资为9800万美元,建设周期为2.5年,J公司在该项目中的工作主要提供工程管理服务。

    D project is on the North of China , a total investment of $ 98 million , and the construction period is 2 years , and J company provide project management services .

  6. 基于adhoc网络道路交通安全监控系统的覆盖面积广,抗毁能力强,建设周期短,费用小,使用灵活,特点适合当前的需求。

    Road Traffic Safety monitoring system Based on Ad Hoc Networks have the characteristic with Wide area coverage , survivability capability , short construction period , the cost of small , flexible . , feature for current needs .

  7. 客户接入的建设周期长,接入方式主要以简单的2M接入为主,单一接入已成为全业务建设的瓶颈,阻碍全业务的发展。

    Long construction period of customers access , the single access methods of 2M access , has become a bottleneck in the construction of full-service , hindered the develop of it .

  8. 我国PPP项目通常为大型的基础设施项目,投资大、建设周期长、回收慢,对投资者来说风险巨大,因此PPP项目的投资决策成为亟待解决的问题。

    The PPP projects in China are normally the large infrastructures projects , featuring as big investment , long construction period and long investment recovery period , leading to the big risk for investors to take .

  9. 为解决传统分散型呼叫中心传输速率慢、建设周期长、区域限制等缺点,本文提出基于NGN网络的集中式呼叫中心平台系统。

    In order to resolve the disadvantages like low transmission speed , long building period , region limited of traditional dispersive type call center , this paper puts forward centralization call center platform system basing on NGN net .

  10. 由于AFDX协议以及航空总线布局的复杂性,采用网络仿真技术可以大大缩短网络建设周期,减小网络建设的投资风险。

    Considering the complexity of both the AFDX protocol and the layout of the aviation bus , simulation can shorten the construction cycle of the network and reduce the investment risk .

  11. 在ALE信息安全风险评估模型框架下,提出资产价值取决于实际工作量,采用WBS对公路工程项目按建设周期进行分解,对每个子工作项目进行专家评分,得到每种资产的安全价值三属性评分。

    Information security risk assessment in the ALE framework , the asset value depends on the actual workload : using WBS decomposition of the highway engineering project according to the construction period , the expert score for each work item , security value of each asset three attribute score .

  12. 生产技术相对简单,建设周期短。

    The produetion technology is simple and construction period is short .

  13. 关于建设周期的计算方法及其评价标准

    The Calculation Method and Its Appraisal Criterion for the Construction Cycle

  14. 影响矿山建设周期的因素分析及建议

    The Factor Analysis and Suggestion to Influence Mine Constructing period

  15. 四是建设周期短,进度控制要求高。

    Fourth , short construction period , demanding schedule control .

  16. 施工速度快,有利缩短建设周期。

    High speed of construction can shorten the construction period .

  17. 时,石油储备建设周期长,并且需要国家投入巨额的资金。

    The construction of oil reserves needs a long period and huge sums of money .

  18. 能耗低、投资较省,建设周期短;

    It has advantages of low energy consumption , low investment and short construction period ;

  19. 新装置投资少、建设周期短、一次开车成功。

    It is characterized by less investment , shorter construction period and putting into operation rapidly .

  20. 软土地基处理是影响软土地区高速公路建设周期和建设投资的关键。

    The reinforcement of soft subsoil is the important factor influencing the construction period and the investment .

  21. 由于汽车展厅大多数跨度较大,要求建设周期短,所以结构形式常采用钢结构形式。

    The exhibition halls of automobile have big spans so steel structure is adopted usually for it .

  22. 这种技术主要是对工程进行规划和控制实施,在缩短工程建设周期、提高工效、降低造价和提高生产管理水平方面均有显著效果。

    It can also help to shorten construction period , improve efficiency , reduce cost and perfect management .

  23. 大型工程项目投资大、建设周期长、可能的风险因素多。

    Great investment , long construction period , many probably risk factors are existed in large-scale engineering project .

  24. 中国钢铁工业迅速衰落,走完了它的第一个建设周期。

    Chinese iron and steel industry , therefore , declined quickly and finished its first cycle of development .

  25. 城市轨道交通(简称城轨)工程普遍具有建设周期长,投资额巨大,复杂度高的特点。

    The urban rail network system is kind of long period project with huge investment , high complexity .

  26. 旅游区规划投资估算是地方政府决策的重要依据之一,具有按工程构成分部组合计价、经济指标的个别性、建设周期长、投资金额大、分阶段实施等特点。

    The investment estimation of tourism region planning is a fundamental base for the decision making of local government .

  27. 房地产开发项目建设周期长、投资数额大,管理及组织协调复杂,对市场反映敏感。

    Real estate projects feature long construction period , large investment , complicated management and coordination and sensitive with market .

  28. 它具有结构简单、等价低、建设周期短、市场见效快等优点。

    It has the simple construction with the low price , the developments short time , the quick market repays .

  29. 在一个长建设周期的繁荣阶段,农村人口的大批外流是流向国内各个工业城市。

    In the upswing of the long construction cycle , the rural exodus was directed internally to the industrial cities .

  30. 结果表明,在整个三峡枢纽工程建设周期内,投资管理与概算控制工作成效卓著。

    The results show that the investment management and budget control is remarkable within the entire construction period of the Project .