
  1. 企业竞争性项目投资信息模型的建立

    Establishment of Information Model of Competitive Investment Project in the Enterprise

  2. 浅谈竞争性项目可行性研究的市场调研

    On Market Investigation for Feasibility Study of Competitive Projects

  3. 政府投资的重点转向了公共投资领域中的非竞争性项目。

    The focus of government investment has turned to non-competitive projects in public investment area .

  4. 此外,澳大利亚也容易受到在拉美、亚洲和非洲即将投产的大型竞争性资源项目的影响。

    Australia is also vulnerable to large competing resource projects coming on stream in Latin America , Asia and Africa .

  5. 竞争性投资项目的最优投资决策不仅取决于不确性,而且与竞争对手的决策有关,其价值的确定宜采用期权博弈法。

    The optimum investment decision of the investment project of competitiveness can not merely depend on truly , and relate to the rival 's decision , value its sureness should adopt real option games .

  6. 第二类资本预算项目需要在能够提供基本相同服务的备竞争性被选项目中进行选择。

    The second type of capital budgeting projects requires choosing among competing alternatives that provide the same basic service .

  7. 通过执行一个在市场中有竞争性的薪资项目来吸引、激励和保留员工。

    Attract , motivate and retain staff by implementation a total compensation program that is innovative and competitive in the market place .

  8. 据人民网报道,在西奈山伊坎医学院,海尔斯参与了一个颇具竞争性的生物医学研究项目,她还上过大学水平的课程,GPA(平均分)达到了99.63分;此外,她还是班上的毕业生演讲者代表。

    Hyles participates in a competitive biomedical research program at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , takes college-level courses , has an impressive 99.63 GPA and is valedictorian of her class , People.com reported .

  9. 然而,当评价竞争性(互斥)项目时,两种方法可能得出不同的结论。

    However , for competing projects , the two methods can produce different results .

  10. 分析了环境的不确定性和竞争性对企业投资项目价值和进入时机的影响。

    This paper analyzes how the competition and uncertainty influence the project investment value and entry threshold .

  11. 篮球比赛是战士们特别喜欢进行的一项极富挑战性与竞争性的体育运动项目。

    Basketball game is sex of a when soldiers like to undertake particularly extremely rich challenge and emulative athletic sports project .

  12. 跑步、羽毛球、乒乓球、等负荷强度中等,对抗性、竞争性弱的锻炼项目深受高中生喜爱,此类项目便于开展,方便学生在紧张的高中生活中进行。

    Jogging , badminton , table tennis , and other medium-load strength , confrontational , competitive exercise program by a weak high school favorite , easy to carry out such projects , to facilitate high school students in the life of the tension . 4 .