
  1. 竞争对手信息搜集并及时反馈。

    Collect the inerrorformation of the competitor and feedback in time ;

  2. 了解、分析竞争对手信息,提供给相关部门。

    Study and analyze competitors information and provide it to relevant depts .

  3. 收集市场和竞争对手信息。

    Collect Information on the market and competitions .

  4. 提问与竞争对手信息收集相关的问题。

    Ask for questions related to competitors survey .

  5. 培训器材:白板,翻转展示板,销售报告表格,竞争对手信息表。

    Resources : Whiteboard , Flip Chart , Sales call reports form , competitor information form .

  6. 可能有许多的外部数据源例如人口统计、信用卡、竞争对手信息和财务信息。

    There can be any number of sources of external data such as demographic , credit , competitor and financial information .

  7. 外部信息包括市场信息、媒体信息、客户信息和竞争对手信息等。

    The exterior information includes the marketing information , medium information , customer 's information and the competition 's opponent information , etc.

  8. 在操作方法上,通过对客户管理、销售管理、竞争对手信息管理的分析整理,逐步建立一套完善的客户关系管理制度,最终提高客户价值和公司收益。

    As operation methods , customer management , marketing management and competition management form the CRM system which can improve customers ' value and company 's income .

  9. 经典Nash均衡从个体理性出发,依靠对外部市场环境以及竞争对手的信息进行分析、处理,以求得收益最大化的决策。

    The classic individual reason based Nash equilibrium tries to maximize the individual profits , according to the analysis and process of the information belonged to the external market and competitors .

  10. 基于竞争对手产品信息的供应链协调研究。

    Research on supply chain coordination with competitors ' product information .

  11. 这是我们向竞争对手传递信息的一个机会。

    That 's an opportunity for us to send our competitors a meassage .

  12. 总统竞选是建立在关于竞争对手错误信息基础上的。

    The president 's election campaign was based on misinformation about the rival candidates .

  13. “你的功课&阅读、并你即将面试的雇主,他的竞争对手的信息”,她说。

    " Do your homework-read and study and learn about your potential employer and its competitors ," she advised .

  14. 随着更多竞争对手的信息公开,对于一个公司而言,得到更多有关竞争对手的商业情报及其竞争优势的机会已然到来。

    With more competitors ' information publicly available , it has become an opportunity for a company to know more about its competitors and gain business intelligence and competitive advantage .

  15. 企业核心能力进一步的评估可以采用企业自我评价、行业内部比较、基准分析、成本驱动力与作业成本法和竞争对手的信息来进行。

    Some ways can be adopted to assess fatherly by self-assessment , industry comparison , basis analysis , cost drivers analysis , activity-based costing , even by the information from competitors .

  16. 美国证交会表示,在一些例子中,摩根大通之所以中标,是因为它从招标代理那里获得了竞争对手报价的信息,这一做法被称为最后时刻偷看(lastlooks)。

    In some instances , JPMorgan won bids because it obtained information from the bidding agents about competing offers , a practice known as last looks , the SEC said .

  17. 制定竞争对手、行业信息、公司产品信息等市场调研计划,全面展开市场调研工作;

    Make market survey plans , such as rival , trade information , company 's product information , etc.

  18. 考虑到公司在网站上提供了竞争对手的价格信息,现在这个结果并不令人意外。

    Which is not so surprising , given the information the company provided on its website about its rivals .

  19. 因为在某种状况下,竞争对手间交换信息情报可能构成违反政府法令。

    Because , under certain circumstances , the exchange of information among competitors may possibly constitute a violation of government laws .

  20. 公司里有些机密信息是很重要的,如果你的竞争对手得到这些信息,你的公司就可能会遭受到很严重的经济损失。

    Some confidential company information can be so important that if your competitors got hold of it , your company could suffer very serious financial losses .

  21. 亚马逊在早期就构建了一种软件,能够在网上搜索竞争对手的价格信息,并且自动匹配最低的价格。

    Amazon figured out early on how to create software that scours the web for price information from the competition and to automatically match the lowest available price .

  22. 及时进行市场信息的收集,了解最新的市场信息与政策,掌握竞争对手的相关信息并进行有效的分析,为公司的销售政策提供数据支持;

    Keep collecting related market or policy information , also master the information from competitors and do necessary analyze , and bring any data support for the sales policy of company .

  23. 他向公司的竞争对手泄露了重要信息。

    He disclosed important information to the rival of his company .

  24. 企业不愿与业内竞争对手分享网络威胁信息。

    Companies hesitate to share cyber threat information with industry competitors .

  25. 但是公司请他们攻击竞争对手或发布伪造信息就是违法的。

    But it 's illegal for a company to ask them to attack competitors , or post fake information .

  26. 一家公司必须有保护其商业秘密的权利,因为竞争对手可以利用这个信息来偷取市场份额。

    Because a competitor could use this information to steal market shares , a company must have the authority to protect its investment .

  27. 网络环境下的企业竞争的信息需求包括对竞争对手信息、竞争环境信息、竞争战略信息的需求。

    Information for business competitors in network environment includes information of rivals , environment and strategies .

  28. 最后论述了如何在反竞争情报中进行竞争分析,分别从竞争对手信息分析和本企业信息分析两方面进行论述。

    In the end , it states how to use competitive analysis in counterintelligence activity .

  29. 竞争情报是在竞争环境中有助于制胜竞争对手的重要信息。

    Competitive intelligence is important information that can help to defeat other competitors under competitive circumstances .