
  • 网络kaixin;happy net
  1. 校内网,开心网,Facebook等基于B/S的SNS网站推出的互动式插件应用程序深得用户的青睐,为开发这些应用的ISV(独立软件开发商)和网站创造了巨大的商业价值。

    XiaoNei , KaiXin Facebook , etc SNS website based on B / S model launched a lot of interactive plug-in applications that won the favor of users . It has created tremendous commercial value for ISV ( Independent Software Vendors ) who develop these softwares and Website .

  2. 试论传统媒体与社交网络的交互融合&从新华社电视进驻开心网说起

    The Integration of Traditional Media with SNS & the Xinhua News Agency TV Entering into the Kaixin Network

  3. 从开心网看SNS社区的利与弊

    View the " net happy " to see the pros and cons of community-based SNS

  4. 近几年,国内的联络家、人人网、开心网、等提供SNS服务的网站也如雨后春笋般破土而出。

    In recent years , contact the family home , all net , happy network services such as provision of SNS websites have mushroomed up shot .

  5. 2008年末,开心网的实践拉开了中国SNS社交网站植入式广告的序幕,从此互联网行业开始了对这种新型网络广告的探索。

    Late 2008 , Happy net practice started the implantable advertising of Chinese SNS , since then the Internet industry began to explore the new Internet advertising .

  6. 每个人都玩社交网站(Myspace、人人网、开心网等),但你无需上传一些坦胸露肩的照片。

    Everybody has a MySpace page , but you don 't need to load it up with revealing photos of yourself . Don 't overpost .

  7. 在我发现开心网的存在以前,我想象着在中国工作以及和中国同事互动会相当棘手。

    My discovery of Happy Net has forced me to question whether my colleagues are really so different .

  8. 最近,雀巢公司联合优酷网和开心网(一个社交网站),发起了一次宣传雀巢咖啡的在线活动。

    Recently , Nestl é launched an online campaign for Nescaf é coffee in association with Youku and Kaixin , a social-networking site .

  9. 颇受欢迎的中文社交网站开心网(Kaixin.com)上的一个论坛表达了中国球迷的不满。

    A forum on Kaixin.com , a popular Chinese networking site whose name means ' happiness , ' expresses the Chinese fans ' ire .

  10. 虽然屡有报道称新媒体投资遇冷,但开心网、同学网等的成功融资表明:是金子就会发光!

    Although there have been reports of new media investment contract , but the happy net , classmate net successful financing that is the gold will shine !

  11. 从开心网到海内网,社交网站正在亿万网民中实施“圈地运动”,成为眼下一大“时尚”。

    Arrive from happy net net of within the country , gregarious website is being carried out in millions upon millions netizen " the motion that encircle the ground ", make at present one big " vogue " .

  12. 据《中国日报》的一篇文章,大部分球迷支持“中国男足应该解散”。不错,开心网的调查并非对公众舆论的科学衡量。

    According to an article in the China Daily , a strong majority of fans are voting that ' the Chinese national men 's team should be dismissed . ' To be sure , kaixin polls are not scientific metrics of public opinion .