
  • 网络open source;Open source software;Foss;oSS;Floss
  1. 然后,我将该工具发布为开源软件(OSS),由于它的功能能够满足许多需求,因而越来越受到人们的欢迎。

    I then put the tool as OSS and it became more and more popular with many demands for features .

  2. 它实际上改变了我对自由和开源软件项目能够达到什么水平的看法。

    It 's really reshaped my impressions of what F / OSS projects could achieve and be .

  3. 简介:R是一个用于统计计算的成熟的开源软件。

    Summary : R is sophisticated open-source software for managing statistical calculations .

  4. 大量的开源软件用于Windows操作系统上。

    There is a significant amount of open source software used on Windows .

  5. 传统GIS软件和数据库软件的价格非常昂贵,而开源软件由于其免费性和安全性,可以减少物流系统的开发费用。

    Traditional GIS and database software is very expensive while the open-source software is completely free of charge .

  6. 嵌入式Linux开发平台的构建、嵌入式Linux系统的构建和开源软件的跨平台移植。

    Embedded Linux development platform , the embedded Linux system and open source software cross-platform migration .

  7. 以敏捷编程思想为指导利用开源软件工具开发基于J2EE平台的企业信息系统

    Developing Enterprise Information System Based on J2EE Platform Using Open-source Software Following Agile Method

  8. 如今开源软件在GIS领域发展的很快,并且逐渐形成了一股不可小觑的力量。

    Nowadays open-source software in the GIS field is developing very fast , and gradually forms an essential power .

  9. 基于开源软件的J2EE企业级出版业务系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of the J2EE Enterprise-level Publishing Operation System Based on Open Source Software

  10. 利用开源软件实现基于SSLVPN的图书馆远程访问

    Remote Access to Library Based on SSL VPN Using Open Source Software

  11. 有很多基于LAMP组件的开源软件包可用于解决各种各样的问题。

    Many open source packages based on LAMP components are available to solve a variety of problems .

  12. 也许,在一个混合的环境中选择开源软件最好的解释仍在于IBM本身。

    Perhaps the best argument for your consideration of open source software in a hybrid environment remains IBM itself .

  13. 三种流行开源软件在MVC开发中的应用

    Application of Three Popular Open Source Software in MVC

  14. 预警;网络监测;PDF过量下载;开源软件;

    Warning Network monitoring Excessive PDF downloading Open source software ;

  15. 本文根据物流信息系统的需求特点,提出采用J2EE开源软件进行物流信息系统的开发。

    The thesis adopts J2EE open source software to develop the logistics information system according to its demand characteristic .

  16. 基于开源软件ZeroWine,设计了样本自动行为分析系统,生成样本行为分析报告。

    Based on Zero Wine a open source software , we design automated sample analysis system , and generate sample behavior analysis report .

  17. 您混合了商业软件(Windows)与开源软件(Firefox)。

    You 're mixing commercial software , like Windows , with open source software , like Firefox .

  18. 利用开源软件构建OLAP系统

    Using open source software to construct OLAP system

  19. 首先,谷歌于2005年收购了安卓,那是一家小公司,设计了一款基于Linux开源软件的操作系统。

    First , in 2005 , Google acquired Android , a small company making an operating system based on Linux open source software .

  20. 位于伊利诺斯州的芝加哥RPCSoftware公司在其产品中通过使用开源软件从而在市场中获得了成功。

    RPC Software of Chicago , Illinois has found success in this market by using a foundation of open source software in their products .

  21. 几年前,答案可能包括Linux,RedHat,MySQL和其它一些小有颠覆性成就的开源软件。

    A few years ago , the answer likely involved Linux , Red Hat , MySQL and other disruptive open source upstarts .

  22. 作为一个生产操作系统和开源软件,Linux是测试新协议及其增强的良好平台。

    Linux , being a production operating system and open source , is a great test bed for new protocols and advancements of those protocols .

  23. 我们的方案试图从编译角度着手,使用了开源软件GCC作为试验起点。

    We will try to solve the problem through compiling open software GCC .

  24. 不是。本开源软件发布是没有限制的,而且当前版本为SAP应用解决方案的用户所用。

    No. The software released as Open Source is the unlimited and current release as used by customers of SAP solutions .

  25. 中国开源软件创立联盟是另外一个组织,就如西方的HP和IBM一样,是一个巨大的开源商店。

    The China Open Source Software Promotion Alliance is another group working with western vendors like HP and IBM , already big open source shops .

  26. 由于微软的Office属于非开源软件,其他软件厂商很难完全兼容微软Office,并且用户需要支付相关费用才能使用和升级。

    Because Microsoft Office is non-open source software , other software makers can not completely compatible with Microsoft Office , and the user can pay related fees to use and upgrade it .

  27. 开放源码软件及开源软件DSpace在图书馆的应用

    Application of Opening Sound Code Software and Open-fountainhead Software DSpace in Library

  28. 在我彻底转到Linux(Debian)前,有一年的时间我在Windows下只使用自由及开源软件。

    I spent a year using only FOSS software on Windows before making the final switch to the Linux desktop ( Debian ) .

  29. 本文讲述了如何在硬件级上使用开源软件,让使用所提供集群的WebSphereMQ具备高可用性。

    This article describes how to achieve high availability for WebSphere MQ using clustering provided at the hardware level using open source software .

  30. 在这一期中,您已经了解了如何在Linux操作系统上使用开源软件实现WebSphereMQ的高可用性。

    In this installment , you have seen how to implement high availability for WebSphere MQ using open source software on the Linux operating system .