
  • 网络Opening ceremony
  1. 当年,他在LV曼谷专卖店开业仪式上,曾冲着一位拎着仿冒LV包的女官员愤怒咆哮,那场景令所有到场嘉宾都感到了震撼。

    He once shouted at a female officer with a counterfeit LV who showed up in the opening ceremony of LV Bangkok Branch , shocking everybody there .

  2. 大众旗下品牌西雅特(Seat)在西班牙面对的是一个业已崩溃的汽车市场。本周,该公司派遣全部董事访华,走访中国多个城市,参加经销商开业仪式并推出车型。

    Seat , the VW-owned brand which faces a collapsed car market in Spain , dispatched its entire board to China this week , where they fanned out across several cities to attend dealership openings and launch the marque .

  3. 他的舞狮团经常在商店和餐厅的开业仪式上表演。

    His team regularly performs at opening events for shops and restaurants .

  4. 2011年01月23日中国工商银行在法国的第一家分行本周在巴黎举行开业仪式。

    2011-01-23 The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China ( ICBC ) inaugurated its first French branch in Paris this week .

  5. 做为俩人一生中所下的最大赌注,她们买了一队粉红色出租车,搞了一个开业仪式庆祝新公司开张,并祈祷公司可以持续经营下去。

    Taking the biggest gamble of their lives , they accept delivery of a fleet of bright pink taxis , celebrate with a launch party and pray that business will flow .

  6. 宁夏银川兴庆区商业步行街发展建设今天,沃尔玛在嘉兴市举行隆重了开业庆典仪式,庆祝沃尔玛购物广场嘉兴洪兴路分店隆重开业。

    A research on the development and construction of commercial pedestrian streets of Yinchuan city Today , Wal-Mart celebrated the grand opening of its first store in Jiaxing , Zhejiang Province .

  7. 今天,沃尔玛在嘉兴市举行隆重了开业庆典仪式,庆祝沃尔玛购物广场嘉兴洪兴路分店隆重开业。每年的中秋节,当地会一个举行隆重的庆祝活动―火龙。

    Today , Wal-Mart celebrated the grand opening of its first store in Jiaxing , Zhejiang Province . In mid-autumn festival , the local have a ceremonious celebration : Fire dragon dance .