
  1. 进一步阐明了细乳液的稳定离不开高疏水性物质对Ostwald熟化效应的抑制作用。

    The study also reveals that the stability of miniemulsion depends on the inhibition to Ostwald ripening effect of highly hydrophobic material .

  2. 大型泵站卷扬式快速闸门的启闭控制及开高测量

    Controlling and Opening Height Measurement of Fast Gate in Large Pumping Station

  3. 在开高后,美国股市延续了涨势。

    After opening higher , US stocks extended that rally .

  4. 门开高影响热塑性处理。

    Doors open with high impact thermoplastic handles .

  5. 准备一个平底煎锅,开高火、倒上橄榄油。

    Heat a large heavy skillet over high heat and add the olive oil .

  6. 不过国际公司之间开高或开低贸易发票也是一种规避资本控制的办法。

    But under-or overinvoicing of trade within international firms is also used to dodge capital controls .

  7. 你把价尽量开高一些,等他们跟你讨价还价。

    You 'd better offer a possibly higher price , expecting them to bargain with you .

  8. 高素质人才的培养离不开高质量高效率的教育。

    The cultivation of high-quality talents can not do without the education with high-efficiency and high quality .

  9. 优质工程和精品工程离不开高质量的勘测设计。

    The high quality project and the high-quality goods project cannot leave the high grade survey design .

  10. 麻醉学的快速发展离不开高水平人才的培养。

    It is very necessary for the rapid development of anesthesiology to train considerable high-level qualified anesthetists .

  11. 电子系统的结构创新和性能提升离不开高性能电源系统的支持。

    The architecture innovation and performance promotion of electrical system cannot do without the support of high-performance power supply .

  12. 旅游业的高速增长和长足发展,离不开高质量的旅游专业人才的强力支撑。

    The rapid growth of the tourism industry and the rapid development of tourism can not be separated from high-quality strong support professionals .

  13. 氧化槽温度偏高,注意电压相应开高一点,氧化时间短一点;

    The oxidation tank temperature is somewhat low , the attention voltage opens the low spot correspondingly , the oxidized time long spot ;

  14. 测绘现代化离不开高精度的大地测量基准,本文围绕四维坐标系中的速度场建模展开研究。

    The high-precision geodetic datum is significant to the modern surveying . The researches on Velocity Field Modeling of4_D Coordinate System are studied in this project .

  15. 如果你把水族箱里的加热器开高一些,倒一些酸性物质到水里,你的鱼可能会出问题,平斯基博士说。

    If you cranked up the aquarium heater and dumped some acid in the water , your fish would not be very happy , Dr. Pinsky said .

  16. 当前,数字化仪器已经在一定程度上取代了传统的模拟仪器,而数字信号处理离不开高精度的采样时钟。

    At present , digital equipment has been replaced to some extent the traditional analog instruments . Digital signal processing can not do without high-quality sampling clock .

  17. 我国作为发展中国家,对产业结构进行调整和升级、实现新型工业化、走可持续发展道路,都离不开高技术产业化。

    ⅱ, as a developing country , china must industrialize high-tech to realize new type industrialization , adjust and escalate industrial structure and take the road of continuing development .

  18. 飞行器制导精度评估,特别是航天器的姿态与定点控制、落点预报等,都离不开高精度的外弹道测量数据。

    Assessing the accuracy of guidance system , especially controlling of missile 's attitude and station keeping maneuver and landing point forecasting all rely on the reliable trajectory measurement .

  19. 如果一份销售工作需要招新手,记者李志波韦丽丽,他们知道他们是不会给你开高工资,所以最好还是看好基本工资。

    If a sales job wants entry-level folks , they know they 're not going to pay you much , so best to just go for a plain old salary .

  20. 摘要当今社会各行各业的发展都离不开高水平的人才,祖国的发展壮大更需要这些具备专业知识的人才来建设。

    Abstract : The rapid development of all walks of life in our society cannot do without high-level professional talents , and so does the growth and prosperity of our country .

  21. 高等教育的快速有效发展又离不开高水平的教育教学质量,而保证教育教学质量的关键在于加强师资队伍建设。

    The rapid and efficient development of higher education depends on the high-leveled teaching quality , while strengthening the construction of teaching faculty is the key of ensuring the teaching quality .

  22. 旅游区实现高质量的开发离不开高水平规划的指导,而高水平规划的核心是统筹各项因素和条件。

    To realize high-quality development of tourism area cannot go without the direction of high-level planning . And the core of high-level planning is the overall planning of different factors and conditions .

  23. 在当今主张知识创新、技术创新的时代,经济的可持续发展离不开高层次的科研与技术人员,因此,高等教育的发展成为了人们普遍关注的对象。

    In the knowledge innovation and technological innovation era , sustainable economic development is inseparable from the high-level scientific and technical personnel . Therefore , the development of higher education has become the object of common concern .

  24. 以密码学为核心的信息安全领域中,随机序列扮演着非常重要的角色:密钥的生成、数字签名、认证和鉴别以及各种安全通信协议都离不开高质量的随机序列。

    Cryptology is the core of information security and the random sequence has played a very important role in it . The key generation , digital signature , authentication and many kinds of communication protocol all need random sequence .

  25. 世界经济一体化,我国经济社会转型,产业结构优化升级、人才强国战略实施,区域协调发展都离不开高技能型人才的支撑。

    The support of high skilled talents are urgently needed by world economic integration , economic and social transformation , optimization and upgrading of industrial structure , strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development , and balanced development among regions .

  26. UCSB在全美及加拿大研究型大学中排名62位,化学、物理和经济等强势学科都开设有高质量的项目。

    The University offers highly regarded programs in chemistry , physics and economics to name just a few and ranks62nd of research intensive universities in the US and Canada .

  27. 坐火车的实际费用算下来要比开汽车高。

    Taking the train works out more expensive than going by car .

  28. 许多西方人和亚洲人喜欢开着高分贝的摇滚乐来举行午夜聚会。

    Many Westerners and Asians hold late-night parties with loud rock music .

  29. 开那么高的价,简直是敲竹杠。

    It is no less than blackmail to ask such a high price .

  30. 科技兴国、人才强国战略的实施离不开新型高层次人才。

    Putting the strategy of developing country into effect rely on S & T and high-grade talents of new type .