
  • 网络isopropylamine;IPA;iso-propylamine
  1. 异丙胺装置灌装计量系统改造

    Renovation of Metering System for Pour-Filling Isopropylamine

  2. 利用二甲胺和异丙胺在适宜的条件下对酚醛树脂进行改性,得到了胺改性酚醛树脂。

    The syntheses of phenol-formaldehyde resin modified with dimethylamine or isopropylamine under suitable conditions were conducted .

  3. 二羟二氯二异丙胺合铂对离体培养癌细胞DNA、RNA、蛋白质合成的影响

    The effect of chip on the biosynthesis of dna , rna , and protein of EAC cells in vitro

  4. 采用硅溶胶作硅源,二异丙胺作模板剂,通过微波辐射法合成了SAPO-11分子筛,考察了溶胶的pH值、晶化时间、掺Si量对合成产物的影响。

    SAPO-11 molecular sieves were synthesized with silica solution as the source of silica and diisopropylamine as the templates by microwave radiation . The influence of pH value , time and Si content on the products were investigated .

  5. 高效液相法同时测定复方二氯醋酸二异丙胺注射液两组分的含量

    Determination of two component in Compound diisopropylamine dichloroacetate injection by HPLC

  6. 采用离子色谱法测定了草甘膦异丙胺盐的含量。

    Determination of glyphosate-isopropylammonium by ion chromatography ( IC ) was described .

  7. 异丙胺类铂络合物的抗瘤作用研究

    A Study on the Antitumor Activities of Di-isopropylamine Platinum Compounds

  8. 甲基苯异丙胺盐酸盐二-4-苯基异氰酸甲烷

    2 - methyl amphetamine hydrochloride di - ( 4-phenyl isocyanate ) methane

  9. 一起急性异丙胺中毒事故的调查处理

    Survey on an acute accidental isopropyl amine poisoning

  10. 双异丙胺盐类的降压及阻滞神经节作用

    Hypotensive and ganglionic blocking effects of diisopropylamine salts

  11. 研究了怎样对对二氯醋酸二异丙胺的合成工艺进行优化改进。

    How to improve synthesis technology of diisopropylamine dichloroacetate was introduced in this paper .

  12. 废水中二异丙胺的回收

    Recycle of 2-Iso-triamine in Waste Water

  13. 目的评价国产二氯乙酸二异丙胺片剂和胶囊剂与进口片剂人体生物等效性。

    OBJECTIVE To observe the bioequivalence of domestic diisopropylamine dichloroacetate tablet or capsule and imported tablet .

  14. 二氯醋酸二异丙胺治疗非酒精性脂肪性肝病的随机双盲临床研究

    Diisopropylamine dichloroacetate in the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease : a multicenter random double-blind controlled trial

  15. 在特定反应介质中,采用草甘膦酸和异丙胺为原料合成了草甘膦异丙胺盐原药。

    In specific reaction medium , glyphosate-isopropylamine TC were synthesized using glyphosate and isopropylamine as starting material .

  16. (+)1异丙胺基3(α萘氧基)2丙醇是一个新的优良避孕药物。

    ( + ) 1 Isopropylamino 3 ( 1 naphthoxy ) 2 propanol is a new and good contraceptive .

  17. 大鼠大脑两半球机能不对称性个体发生的初步探讨&苯异丙胺诱发婴鼠旋转行为的实验研究

    Study on ontogeny of functional asymmetry of the two cerebral hemispheres in rats & an experiment on rotational behavior induced by amphetamine in neonatal rats

  18. 用异丙胺对产物进行萃取提纯,制得了纯度较高、收率为47.8%的硼氢化钠产品。

    The isopropyl amine is used as extractive and purifying agent to give the final sodium borohydride with high purity and yield of 47.8 % .

  19. 采用失重法研究了异丙胺、正丁胺、正辛胺在盐酸介质中对铝的缓蚀性能,发现正辛胺是一种较好的缓蚀剂。

    The inhibitive action of isopropyl amine , n-butyl amine and n-octyl amine on aluminium corrosion in hydrochloric acid solutions was studied using mass loss technique .

  20. 实验结果表明,采用上述技术获得的乙醇、二异丙胺纯度分别达到94%~95.1%、99.6%。

    The experiment results showed that the purity of ethanol and diisopropylamine recovered from pharmaceutical waste could reach 94 % ~ 95.1 % and 99.6 % , respectively .

  21. 在阳极电流密度为1.0×10~(-4)A/cm~2时,由特征电位值计算得出的三种金属对异丙胺甲硼烷阳极氧化的催化活性顺序为:Ni>Au>Pt。

    The relative order of catalytic activity of these three metals for the anodic oxidation of IPAB , evaluated by the characteristic potential values at an anodic current density of 1.0 × 10-4A / cm2 , is Ni > Au > Pt .

  22. 最后我们选用异二丙胺锂(LDA)为碱,在干冰丙酮浴下,合成了烯醇磷酸酯,并有很高的立体选择性。

    At last , we used the base : LDA , dry ice-acetone bath , to synthesize the enol phosphates and gain very high rigio-selectivity .

  23. 异丙醇氨化合成异丙胺新工艺的工业应用

    Commercial application of a new process for synthesizing isopropyl amine by amination of isopropanol

  24. 采用浸渍法制备Cu-Ni-Zn-Mg/Al2O3催化剂,用于异丙醇氨化制异丙胺反应。

    A Cu-Ni-Zn-Mg / Al 2O 3 catalyst was prepared by impregnation . It was used in the synthesis of isopropylamine by direct amination of 2-propanol .