
  • 网络alienated labor;Alienated Labour
  1. 浅论马克思《手稿》中关于异化劳动问题阐释中的几个预设

    Several Presuppositions on Alienated Labor in Marx 's Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844

  2. 异化劳动理论及其向剩余价值理论转变的必然性

    The Alienated Labor Theory and the Inevitability of Its Transforming into Theory of Surplus Value

  3. 异化劳动的扬弃与和谐劳动的建构

    Sublation of the Alienation Labor and Construction of the Harmonious Work

  4. 论异化劳动学说对于历史唯物主义的奠基意义

    On the Foundation of Historical Materialism in the Doctrine of Alienated Labour

  5. 这种压抑的文明是由于异化劳动的存在。

    This oppressing civilization is because of the existence of estranged labor .

  6. 异化劳动:马克思现代性批判的切入点

    Alien Labour : Key to Marxist Criticism of Modernity

  7. 马克思的异化劳动理论具有二重特征与二重效应。

    Marx 's theory of alienation labor had dual characteristics and dual effects .

  8. 马克思异化劳动理论的浅析

    Discussion of Marx 's Theory on Dissimilation Work

  9. 马克思异化劳动理论的哲学逻辑辨析

    An Analysis of the Philosophy and Logic of Marx 's Doctrine of Estranged Labor

  10. 异化劳动也能丰富自然美观念。

    The alienation of labor can also enrich the concept of the natural beauty .

  11. 异化劳动使人性严重扭曲,使人类情感世界日益萎缩。

    Alienation labor seriously distorted human nature , shrinked human beings ' emotional world .

  12. 异化劳动和作为前提的私有财产,即私有制,二者孰为本原之因的争论是毫无意义的。

    The discussion about the fundamental reason of labor alienation and private property is unnecessary .

  13. 异化劳动是一种历史现象。

    Estranged labor is a historic phenomenon .

  14. 这期间《手稿》和异化劳动理论发展是重要环节。

    During this period , Manuscript and the theoretical development of alienated labor are important links .

  15. 马克思早期以异化劳动范畴作为政治经济学的逻辑起点。

    Marx took alienation labor as logical starting point of political economics in his early years .

  16. 马克思以劳动为理论视角,认为思想史上这种将劳动与休闲对立起来的观念不过是社会现实生活中的异化劳动的反映。

    Karl Marx believes that this dichotomy view is just the reflection of alienated labor in reality .

  17. 道、艺术精神与异化劳动&论庄子的反异化思想

    Tao , Spirit of Art and the Alienation of Labor & On Zhuang-zi 's Thought of Anti-Alienation

  18. 在现代西方思想中,马克思从劳动的角度分析,揭示了异化劳动以及异化劳动对人的贬损。

    These thoughts on social harmony derive from Marxs criticism of the alienation of labor and private property .

  19. 实证分析:《1844年手稿》中异化劳动理论的主导方法

    Positive Analysis : the Major Approach to Alienation in Work Theory in 1844 Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy

  20. 具体说来,这一揭示主要是围绕异化劳动和私有财产、货币和资本、意识形态等方面来展开的。

    To be specific , it revolved around alienated labor , private property and ideology and so on .

  21. 论文第二部分为梳理国内外学者对异化劳动理论地位的不同理解。

    The second part thesis scholars combing the status of the theory of alienated labor to different interpretations .

  22. 首先,马丁以及马丁同时代的劳动者都受到异化劳动的折磨。

    Firstly , Martin , together with the laborers of his era , suffers from the pain from alienated labor .

  23. 《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中异化劳动理论解读及其启示

    The Interpretation of the Theory about Alienation of Labor in 《 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 》 and its Inspiration

  24. 异化劳动是研究生产劳动的前提,是研究雇佣劳动的逻辑起点。

    Alienation labour is the precondition for the study of productive labour , also the logical starting point of wage labour .

  25. 同时,马克思还将劳动分工与交换、私有财产、异化劳动及商品拜物教联系起来,并对它们的联系进行历史地、具体地考察。

    Meanwhile , Marx also linked up labor division , exchange , private property , alienation in labor and commodity fetishism .

  26. 异化劳动是人的自由本质在实现过程中必经的阶段,是一种必然。

    Catabolizing Labor is the necessary era in the process of achievement of free essence of human and this era is certain .

  27. 异化劳动逻辑自然前提的二重性特征&马克思人化自然命题探析

    The Dual Character of the Logical and Natural Premises of Alienated Labour & An Analysis on Marx 's Statement of Humanized Nature

  28. 马克思在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中认为,异化劳动是私有财产的根源,这个论断是错误的;

    Marx drew a conclusion in " Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts in 1844 " that alienated labor is the origin of private property .

  29. 因而“异化劳动”扬弃的逻辑根据即在人的本质的发展和实现中;

    Thus the logical base of sublating of alienated labor was on the development and the realization of the nature of human being ;

  30. 其最早涉及价值问题的提法,是财产的尺度。他从异化劳动的角度分析,认为价值是财产的市民存在形式,是私有财产对私有财产的抽象关系。

    He analyzed alienated labor and considered the " value " as the existent form of bourgeois and the abstract relation of property .