
  • 网络anomalous body
  1. 而低速异常体的波形CT图像的水平方向的最小分辨率约为2/5波长,垂向最小分辨率约1/5个波长;

    For the low velocity anomalous body , the spatial resolution of the waveform velocity tomogram in horizontal is about 2 / 5 of the wavelength , and that in vertical about 1 / 5 of the wavelength .

  2. 在山区获得的MT野外资料不可避免地受到各种干扰及地形与局部异常体的影响,常规方法很难满足山区MT资料处理与解释的要求。

    Field MT data obtained in mountain region are inevitably effected by different interferences , topography and local anomalous body , conventional techniques hardly meet the requirements for MT data processing and interpretation in mountain region .

  3. 采煤工作面地质异常体震波CT探测技术

    Application of seismic wave CT technology to detect geological abnormal structure in coal mining face

  4. 方法回顾分析5例异常体动脉供应正常左下肺基底段的胸部X线片和螺旋CT资料。

    Methods Five patients with anomalous systemic arterial supply to normal basal segments of the left lower lobe of the lung were retrospectively reviewed .

  5. 目的总结异常体动脉供应正常左下肺基底段在胸部X线片和螺旋CT上的特征性表现。

    Objective To summarize the characteristic findings on chest radiography and spiral CT of anomalous systemic arterial supply to normal basal segments of the left lower lobe of the lung .

  6. 总体上讲,无论在源下方还是在接收器下方,TEM法对水平方向多个异常体分辨能力优于垂向上的。

    In general , the detectability of TEM to multiple bodies is much better to those arranged horizontally than those arranged vertically .

  7. 震波CT透射层析技术对地质异常体精细探查能力较强,在矿井工作面地质异常精细探查方面具有重要的应用价值。

    Seismic CT transmission tomography technology has a stronger ability in detecting fine geological anomalous bodies . With an important application value in fine geological anomaly detection of mine working face .

  8. 结果表明EΦ分量在探测范围、对层状地层与异常体的反映能力等方面有独特的优势。

    The results show that , E Φ component has unique advantages , in the detection range , and the reflected ability to the layered formation and the abnormal body , etc.

  9. 揭示了低阻异常体对感应涡流的聚集作用、低阻覆盖层对TEM场扩散的减速作用及延时效应;

    Discovering the conglomeration function of low-resistivity objects on induction eddy-current , and deceleration function and deferral effect of low-resistivity layers on diffusion of TEM field ;

  10. 目的评价对比剂动态增强三维(3D)磁共振血管成像(MRA)技术识别异常体循环动脉,诊断肺隔离症的方法与价值。

    Objective To evaluate the feasibility of contrast enhanced three-dimensional ( 3D ) magnetic resonance angiography ( MRA ) in identifying the systemic blood supply in pulmonary sequestration .

  11. 利用地震剖面探测、地震CT和大地电磁测深等结果显示,在天池火山区地壳内存在低速、低密度及低阻异常体,该异常体可能表明壳内岩浆囊的存在。

    The results of the seismic prospecting , seismic tomography and magnetotelluric sounding show that there is a low velocity , low density and low resistivity abnormal body , suggesting a magma chamber in the crust of this region .

  12. 以层状地层中多个位于不同位置和不同埋深的三维导电薄板为例,对瞬变电磁(TEM)法分辨地下多个三维异常体的能力进行了详细的分析和讨论。

    In this paper , the detectability of the transient electromagnetic ( TEM ) method to multiple anomalous bodies with different locations and buried depths in the stratum was detailed discussed .

  13. 目的在激发极化数据解释中,过去常采用原始曲线的特征值法,现介绍一种用FPS定量解释法确定异常体空间位置的三维近似成像方法。

    Purpose : In the past , the characters of the original curve were used to process and interpret the IP sounding data .

  14. CT平扫表现为肿块形7例,圆形或卵圆形5例,不规则形3例。增强后15例均显示异常体动脉供血。

    On precontrast CT images , the mass-like lesions were found in 7 cases , round or oval lesions in 5 , and irregular shape lesions in 3.On postcontrast CT images , the lesions of PS in all patients were supplied by anomalous systemic arteries .

  15. 用MATLAB编写了基于Tikhonov正则化方法的实数编码遗传算法反演程序,运用该程序对二维空洞模型和梯形异常体模型介电常数进行了反演。

    Prepared using MATLAB based on real-coded genetic algorithm process Tikhonov regularization method , the use of inversion programs to inversion the dielectric constant of the two-dimensional on cavity model and the trapezoidal model .

  16. 埋藏在6000m以下的地震反射异常体是礁体还是火成岩体?

    What are the anomalous seismic reflection bodies at depths of over 6000 m ? Are they reefs or igneous rock ?

  17. 在XY模式相位平面图中,三维低阻异常体在东西方向被拉长,在南北边界处存在相位值减小区。

    For phase of XY mode , 3D conductive body is elongated in EW direction ; two zones with the values decreasing are located respectively at north and south boundary .

  18. CSAMT和CR法成果表明:局部高或低阻异常体主要分布在构造交汇部位和岩脉附近,与硅化蚀变矿化相关。

    CSAMT and CR results show : high or low resistivity anomalies of local bodies were mainly distributed in the positions of structures intersection and dike nearby , and related to silicic alteration mineralization .

  19. 根据南部非洲CMB上存在一尖锐边界S波低速异常体(超级地幔柱)的最新研究成果,利用地震层析成像及重力场理论,对该异常体的结构进行了探讨。

    On the basis of the seismic tomography data we find that there is a low velocity body of S waveform on the CMB under south Africa .

  20. 10例增强扫描有9例显示异常体动脉供血,其平均直径9.7mm,7例显示引流静脉。

    Enhanced CT revealed anomalous systemic arteries in 9 patients and drainage vein in 7 patients .

  21. 通过对比Swift旋转和Bahr分解后的资料,用联系二者的畸变矩阵表示浅层三维电性异常体对区域二维构造的局部畸变影响。

    The effects of a surface 3 d conductivity anomaly on a regional 2 d structure is derived by comparing data through Swift rotation with data through Bahr decomposition , then is expressed by a distortion matrix .

  22. 从Jacobi矩阵元素的物理意义上认识到了在垂直方向上,较深部电阻率异常体被反演计算过程重构成浅部的异常块体的原因,即反演的异常体重心上飘现象。

    Analyzing the physics character of Jacobi matrix element , we can know the reason why the deeper resistivity body is reconstructed as a superficial resistivity body in the vertical direction during the inversion process , and in other words , why the barycenter of anomalous body shifts shallower .

  23. 本文依据ZH地区A-2构造南断裂下降盘多个方向的地震资料(包括三维地震资料),发现在下第三系地层里存在一个厚度大,范围广,与周围地震相截然不同的异常体。

    On the basis of varied-direction seismic data ( including 3-D seismic data ) from the downthrown side of the southern ZH fracture , an anomaly volume with large thickness and wide range , which is different from the surrounding seismic facies has been found on the Paleogene strata .

  24. 莺歌海盆地地震异常体成因机制管窥

    Discussion on formation mechanism of seismic anomaly bodies in Yinggehai Basin

  25. 综合勘探技术在探测地质异常体中的应用

    Application of Integrated Exploration Technique in Geologic Anomalous Body Prospecting

  26. 三维地震勘探解释煤层地质异常体的应用

    Application of 3D Seismic Prospecting in Coal Seam Geological Anomalous Body Interpretation

  27. 瞬变电磁法对含地形的三维异常体的正演计算

    The forward modeling of Transient Electromagnetic method to 3D Body with Topography

  28. 唐山矿业公司T1451地质异常体综合探测与分析

    The Comprehensive Probe and Analysis to the T_1451-Abnormal Geology in Tangshan Mining Company

  29. 瞬变电磁法对存在山谷地形时的多个异常体的探测能力研究

    The detectability of transient electromagnetic method to multiple 3D bodies with valley topography

  30. 结合共偏移距道集地震方法可以给出异常体埋深信息。

    Combined with common offset gather method , the depths of abnormality were obtained .