
yì jiào tú
  • pagan;heretic;infidel;heathen
  1. 那种新宗教急于使异教徒皈依本教。

    The new religion was eager to convert the pagan world .

  2. 唱圣诞颂歌的风俗源自异教徒早期的舞蹈仪式。

    The singing of Christmas carols is a custom derived from early dance routines of pagan origin

  3. 他决心要使异教徒皈依。

    He set out to convert the heathen .

  4. 几千名异教徒被烧死在火刑柱上。

    Thousands of heretics were burned at the stake .

  5. 异教徒的神殿被一群宗教狂热分子拆除了。

    The heathen temple was torn down by a crowd of religions fanatics .

  6. 在陈腐的教条中吸取营养的异教徒(b威廉华兹华斯)

    A pagan suckled in a creed outworn ( bWilliam Wordsworth )

  7. 现在是普遍恩典和共同土地(commongraceandcommonland)的纪元,基督徒要顺服掌权者&即使他们是异教徒,并生活在各样的宪法之下,而不是神通过摩西所颁布的律法所确立的。

    Now is the era of common grace and common land , obeying rulers even pagan ones and living under constitutions other than the one that God gave through Moses .

  8. 有些文化甚至提供临时婚姻:异教徒(pagans)有时会结婚一年又一天,在双方都同意的情况下可以续签;什叶派穆斯林可以安排固定期限的婚姻。

    Some cultures even offer temporary marriages : pagans sometimes marry for a year and a day , renewable by mutual consent , while Shia Muslims can arrange fixed-term marriages .

  9. ISIS还定期在达比克杂志上宣称他们对待女人的方式是合法的,并声称根据圣训所言,奴隶制将在世界末日开始之际重新实行。对于异教徒家庭而言,奴役他们,让他们的妻女做姘妇是神圣之事。

    ISIS have regularly justified their treatment of women in their Dabiq magazine claiming that a hadith indicated that slavery would be revived at the beginning of the end of the world . It is a holy requirement to enslave the families of the infidels and take concubines from among them .

  10. 她被谴责为异教徒,烧死在火刑柱上。

    She was branded a heretic and burned at the stake .

  11. 他们被公开谴责为异教徒并被处以火刑。

    They are denounced as heretic and burnt at the stake .

  12. 他们自己也承认并不信任异教徒。

    They themselves admit there can be no faith with heretics .

  13. 以下是《异教徒驳议辑要》的一个摘要。

    What follows is an abstract of the Summa contra Gentiles .

  14. 你是一个头脑清晰的异教徒。

    For an infidel , you have uncommon clarity of thinking .

  15. 她认为奥古斯丁是个十足的异教徒。

    She regarded Augustine as a very much of a heathen .

  16. 你还没见到我的最后一招,异教徒。

    You have not seen the last of me , infidel .

  17. 基督教将古代异教徒世界的统一性打得粉碎。

    Christianity shattered the unity of the ancient , pagan world .

  18. 古代这个地方的异教徒居民崇拜许多神。

    The ancient heathen inhabitants of this place worshipped many gods .

  19. 夜幕充满末日战争的异色,罪人号泣!异教徒必死!

    Armageddon 's drawing nigh , Sinner cry ! Heathen die !

  20. 仍然保留了一些异教徒对美丽的欣赏。

    Still retain some vestiges of the pagan admiration for beauty .

  21. 他的使命就是使当地的异教徒改信基督教。

    His commission was to convert the local heathens to Christianity .

  22. 你怎么能把异教徒的神话与真理混为一谈?

    How can you compare pagan mythology to the true word ?

  23. 甚至比他父亲治下的那些异教徒还要来得厉害。

    infinitely more so , than all his father 's heathens .

  24. 他们认为他是异教徒,被处死。

    They thought he was a heretic , and he was executed .

  25. 异教徒不认识上帝,他们只爱尘世。

    The heathens know not God , and love the world only .

  26. 或者说异教徒开始了对基督徒的战争?

    Or did the pagans commence war against the christians ?

  27. 农民现在还不是基督徒,甚至仍然是个异教徒。

    The farmer is no Christian , he is still a heathen .

  28. 我觉得一个西方异教徒的参赛是亵渎神明的。

    I find the entry of a Western infidel sacrilege .

  29. 那些企图使异教徒皈依的人都被处死了。

    Those who attempted to convert the heathen were put to death .

  30. 他们似乎在说:‘杀死这个异教徒!’

    They were like , ' Kill the heretic ! '