
  • 网络Alternative;alternative rock
  1. 预告的背景音乐是一首非常现代化的歌曲,来自威尔士另类摇滚乐队TheJoyFormidable今年早些时候发布的新歌《WolfsLaw》。

    The trailer is set to a very modern song Wolfs Law by Welsh alternative rock band The Joy Formidable , released earlier this year .

  2. 我听另类摇滚,女主音的乐队我觉得很特别。

    I love alternative rock and bands with a female vocalist .

  3. 尽管没有进行前期宣传,1993年的《Vs》还是很顺利的成为了多白金唱片,发行一周后销量即超过100万张,创造了另类摇滚的又一奇迹。

    Nevertheless , it was another multi-platinum success , debuting at number one and selling nearly a million copies in its first week of release .

  4. 之后,90年代另类摇滚的头号情侣格温·斯蒂芬妮(GwenStefani)和加文·罗斯代尔(GavinRossdale)分道扬镳;

    continued with the unplugging of the first couple of " 90s alt rock , Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale ;

  5. 我以前都听80年代的庞克音乐,现在我主要是听另类摇滚。

    I used to listen to punk in the80 's , now I mostly listen to alternative music .

  6. “珍珠果酱”乐队已经被歌迷和舆论界认定为是90年代的另类摇滚回归代表。

    Pearl Jam has been credited by fans and critics as bring credibility back to alternative rock in the90s .

  7. “呛红辣椒”乐队是唯数不多的一支另类摇滚乐队,因为这些年来,他们始终保持着自己的声音。

    The Red Hot Chili Peppers are one of the few alternative rock bands that have consistently maintained their sound over the years .

  8. 他人很瘦,高高的颧骨,身穿黑色牛仔服,留着另类摇滚式的须发。当我问到他是如何创造出这道菜时,他回答说:

    Rail thin , with high cheekbones , black jeans and alt-rock facial hair , he answered my question as to how he invents his dishes by explaining :

  9. 成立于1980年,是美国的另类摇滚乐团。乐团最初的成员有迈可尔·斯蒂佩(主唱)、彼得·巴克(吉他手)、迈可·米尔斯(贝司手)和比尔·贝里(鼓手)。

    R.E.M.was an American rock band formed in Athens , Georgia , in1980 by singer Michael Stipe , guitarist Peter Buck , bassist Mike Mills and drummer Bill Berry .

  10. 我也蛮喜欢另类音乐及摇滚乐。

    I also like a bit of alternative music , and a little rock music .