
  1. 几年后,这位先生迁居外地,另一户人家搬进来居住。

    Several years later , this gentleman moved away and another family moved in .

  2. 她被给了另一户人家作童养媳。

    She was given to another family as a child bride .

  3. 一户人家把客厅粉刷成金黄色,而另一户人家则使用纯白色。

    One family paints the living room a sunny yellow , but another family uses pure white .

  4. 他们与另几户人家共住一幢公寓楼。他的父亲是一名工厂领班和二战老兵。

    A factory foreman and World War II veteran , in a communal apartment with several other families .

  5. 我才3个月,就被送给了本村另一户贫农。

    At the age of three months I was given away to a poor peasant family in the same village .

  6. 另一户居民艾德威娜•艾利斯说,菲哈尔村庄的美景和氛围吸引她和丈夫来此居住。

    Another resident Edwina Ellis said the beauty and ambience of Firhall drew her and her husband to move there .

  7. 目前,1户已经完成拆迁,新房已经修建,另一户正在拆迁过程中。

    At present , 1 household has completed removal and the new house is built and the other one is in removal .

  8. 或是两个住在尼日利亚农村的家庭,一个说豪萨语另一户说伊博语。

    or two families that live in a rural district in Nigeria , one of whom speaks Hausa and one of whom speaks Igbo .

  9. 马克:是的,正楼下那家屋里全部拆了重来,几层楼上的另一户有些装修要干。

    Mark : Yeah , one directly below me is being totally gutted , while another a few floors up is having some work done .

  10. 她后来被过继到另一户人家,遵循传统成为童养媳,长大后要和那家的一个男孩结婚。

    She was then given to another family in part of an old traditional arrangement where she would later marry one of the family 's sons .

  11. 如果家里没有很好质地的老家具可供运用,不妨去看看古董家具店,或旧货流转商店里,说不定就逃到了另一户人家的传家宝。

    If there was no good texture of the old furniture can use , might as well go see antique furniture store , or junk flow shop , maybe he fled to another family of family heirloom .