
yì yuán sì bèi tǐ
  • allotetraploid
  1. 以上结果说明,异源四倍体百合主要产生非整倍体配子,绝大部分配子含有基因间的重组染色体。

    The results above indicated that allotetraploid usually produced aneuploid gametes , and most gametes had recombinant chromosomes .

  2. 异源四倍体棉花分子遗传图谱构建和纤维品质QTL定位

    Genetic Map Construction and QTL Mapping of Fiber Quality in Allotetraploid Cotton

  3. 异源四倍体鲫鲤雌雄差异的RAPD标记

    RAPD marker of the difference between the male and female of allotetraploid crucian - Carp

  4. 结果表明:杂交后代基因组的杂合性诱发了F1与异源四倍体广泛的序列消除;

    The results indicated that extensive DNA sequence elimination was induced by the genomic merge in the allopolyploids .

  5. 异源四倍体鲫鲤雌核发育二倍体后代的RAPD和微卫星分析鲫鱼肝组织细胞核电镜图像三维重建的研究

    RAPD and Microsatellite Analysis of Diploid Gynogens from Allotetraploid Hybrids of Red Crucian × Common Carp ; Electron Microscopic 3D-Reconstruction of Carassius auratus Liver Nuclei

  6. 6-磷酸葡萄糖酸脱氢酶基因(6PGDH)的克隆与甜瓜属异源四倍体的分子验证

    Cloning of 6-phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase Gene ( 6PGDH ) and Molecular Confirmation of Allotetraploid in Cucumis

  7. 本文采用RAPD和微卫星技术,对异源四倍体鲫鲤第一、二代雌核发育二倍体后代(G1、G2)的遗传多样性、遗传纯度和异源遗传物质的整入进行了研究。

    In the present paper , the genetic diversity , genetic purity and incorporation of heterologous genetic material were analyzed in the G_1 and G_2 from F_ ( 10 ) allotetraploid hybrids ( AT ), using random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) assay and microsatellite analysis .

  8. 不同倍性鱼类mtDNA及三倍体湘云鲫Sox基因研究异源四倍体鲫鲤、三倍体湘云鲫和它们父母本线粒体DNA12SRRNA基因遗传变异的分析

    Studies on Mitochondrial DNA in Different Ploidy Level Fish and Sox Genes in Triploid Crucian Carp The Analysis of Genetic Variability of mtDNA 12S rRNA Genes in the Allotetraploid , Triploid Crucian Carp and their Parents

  9. 用特异于HMG-box(highmobilitygroup-box)保守区的简并引物扩增了异源四倍体鲫鲤及其原始亲本(红鲫和鲤鱼)的Sox基因。

    The main results were summarized as follows : ( 1 ) Using degenerate primers within the HMG-box ( high mobility group-box ) , the Sox gene of the male and female allotetraploid fish and their original parents ( red crucian carp and common carp ) was amplified by PCR .

  10. 用雄性异源四倍体鲫鲤与雌性二倍体日本白鲫(Carassiusauratuscuvieri)交配产生了不育的三倍体湘云鲫。三倍体湘云鲫具有多种优势,如性腺不育、生长速度快、肉质鲜美、抗病能力强。

    The triploid crucian carp was produced by mating the males of allotetraploids with the females of Japanese crucian carp ( Carassius auratus cuvieri ), which have shown several enhanced performances such as sterility , faster growth rate , good flesh quality and higher anti-disease ability .

  11. 甜瓜属人工异源四倍体早期基因组变化的初步研究

    Preliminary Studies on Early Genomic Changes of a Synthetic Allotetraploid in Cucumis

  12. 野黄瓜与栽培黄瓜正反交异源四倍体序列消除的初步研究

    Preliminary studies on sequence elimination of reciprocal allotetraploids from Cucumis hystrix and C. sativus

  13. 棉花二倍体合成异源四倍体新种的研究

    Study on a new allotetraploid synthesis of cotton

  14. [AAGG]异源四倍体新棉种的核型及同功酶分析

    Karyotype and Peroxidase Isozyme Analysis of the Newly Formed Allotetraploid [ AAGG ] Cotton Species

  15. 这3种蛋白质都可以作为异源四倍体鲫鲤的分子遗传标记。

    It was demonstrated that three proteins could be the molecular genetic markers of allotetraploid crucian-carp .

  16. 人工诱导白鲫(♀)×红鲤(■)异源四倍体鱼的初步研究

    Preliminary study on artificially induced heterogeneous tetraploid in the hybrid of white crucian carp and red carp

  17. 尾柄长为尾柄高的0.83~1.32倍研究表明,异源四倍体鲫鲤形态性状稳定,已形成了一个新的四倍体鱼种群。

    Caudal peduncel length / caudal peduncel height = 0.83-1.32 . The results indicated that the morphological characteristics of the allotetraploid fish were steady .

  18. 异源四倍体种是由二倍体A染色体组棉种和D染色体组棉种种间杂交而成的,其中海岛棉和陆地棉已被驯化为栽培种。

    The five tetraploid species are of allopolyploid origins , originated from interspecific hybridization between diploid A - and D-genome species , two of them , G. hirsutum and G. barbadense , have been independently domesticated for their fiber .

  19. 扇贝异源多倍体与四倍体培育技术研究

    Research on Allopolyploid and Tetraploid Breeding of Scallop

  20. 同源异源联会异源多倍体同源四倍体水稻三系亲本主要农艺性状遗传改良

    Genetic Improvement of the Major Agronomic Traits in the Parent Materials of Autotetraploid Three-Line Rice