
  1. 异空间呼唤着我们,但我们得回到战斗中。

    The warp called us , but we return to the fight .

  2. 我们于异空间穿行,如同它穿行于我们自己。

    We move through the warp , as it moves through us .

  3. 馆长表示:“这些表演谱写了一部关于心灵探索、自我修正、在异空间生活的沉思录。”

    Instead they are profound meditations on " inner exploration , on modifying the self and of living in other realms beyond our own , " De Loisy said .

  4. 进而,论文总结出深圳市居住空间分异的空间模式。

    Then , paper summarized the model of the differentiation pattern .

  5. 他异的空间反映了作者潜在的疆域意识和非家园感。

    His sense of otherness in space reflected his unconscious sense of territory , non-home and unfamiliarity .

  6. 这种演变趋势是社会分异与空间分异等一系列空间过程互动的结果。

    This evolvement is the result of series of spatial interaction course just as social differentiation and spatial differentiation .

  7. 无限维空间中的点&以留园为例,解析步移景异的空间涵义

    The Points in the Infinite Dimensional Space : The Analysis on the Space Meaning of Varying Sceneries with Changing view-points , Lingering Garden ( Liu Yuan ) as an Example

  8. 全世界的灵能智者最近都注意到了他们失去了再生的能力:异次元空间里的骚动消散并吞吃着他们的灵魂而不是将他们带入新的肉体。

    Sages and wise men all over the world had recently noticed that they had lost the ability to reincarnate : newly manifested turmoil in the warp scattered and consumed their souls rather than bringing them into new bodies .

  9. 中国封闭社区&社会分异的消极空间响应

    China Gated Communities : The Negative Social Effects of Social Differentiation

  10. 僭越与合谋:798异托邦的空间实践研究

    Deviation and Conspiracy : The Research of Space Practice in 798 Heterotopias

  11. 高(多)光谱数据的背景-异常子空间模型研究

    Research on Background-Anomaly Sub-space Model of Hyper ( Multi - ) spectral Data

  12. 异极距对空间电场阴极聚水装置聚水性能的影响

    The effect on water gathering installations on the space electric field water gathering performance by heteropole distance

  13. 随着模拟年代的推衍,树种年龄结构发生显著变化,呈现出复杂多样的异龄林空间分布格局。

    The component structure of forest age changes significantly with various spatial pattern of different ages of forest come into being as the year going on .

  14. 开发商对经济利益的过分追逐和国家制定政策的相对滞后使得商业住宅区开发成为城市居住空间分异、社会空间极化及城市空间破碎化的助推器。

    For the developers are chasing for economic profits excessively and the establishment of the national policies are always relatively backward , commercial development of residential areas is becoming the booster of urban residential space differentiation , socio-spatial polarisation and landscape fragmentation .

  15. 由此,本文强调分异中的社会空间形态对城市规划的新要求,市场转型迫切需要规划师拓展视野,关注空间资源配置的公平合理。

    From this point of view , it suggests that moreattention should be paid towards an equal distribution of socio-spatial resources in urban planning .

  16. 给出了带有空间异方差性的空间面板计量模型的空间维单位根检验和协整检验的方法及具体实施步骤,并给出了相应的判别标准。

    Presented spatial nonstationarity test methods on spatial panel econometric model with spatial heteroscedasticity , and the corresponding implementation steps , the corresponding criterion . 5 .

  17. 园林的营造元素往往形态百异,作品的空间效果很难在设计图中完全表达。

    The landscape elements are often in much diversified forms , and the space effect of the project can not be fully expressed in the design drawing .

  18. 另外,含有磁芯及检测线圈与激励线圈同侧、异侧两种空间位置情况下,分析其对检测灵敏度的影响。

    In addition , we set first the containing magnetic cores , detecting coil and incentive coil in the same side , and then detecting coil and incentive coil in the different side to respectively analyze the influence of the detection sensitivity .