
  • 网络bowhead;Bowhead Whale;Balaena mysticetus
  1. 这片海域也是弓头鲸和海象等海洋哺乳动物的重要洄游路线。

    The sea is also a major migration route and feeding area for marine mammals , including bowhead whales and walruses .

  2. 这张照片展示的是一头在鲸类前往其冬季栖息地的秋季迁徙中被捕获的弓头鲸。

    This photo shows a bowhead whale that was harpooned during the whale fall migration to their winter grounds .

  3. 海洋中传奇的独角兽–独角鲸和伟大的冰海鲸鱼–弓头鲸,在那里兴旺发展,而在地球的任何其他地方都找不到。

    Narwhals , the legendary unicorns of the sea , and bowheads , the great ice whales , thrive there and nowhere else on Earth .