
  • 网络milford;Milford Sound;Nancy Milford
  1. B:是的,我是米尔福德保险公司的。

    B : Yes , and I represent Milford Insurance .

  2. 在南英格兰米尔福德港(Milford)经营酒店的乔恩·德弗罗(JonDevereux)拥有一辆配备柴油发动机的大众途锐(Touareg)。

    Jon Devereux , who drives a diesel-engine Volkswagen Touareg , manages a hotel in Milford on Sea , in southern England .

  3. 消息说:如果你接到电话,称汇丰银行在米尔福德镇的一台ATM机发生了故障,可以多取钱,那么对不起大家我们已经赶到那里了。

    They tweeted : If you get a call that the ATM at HSBC in Milford-on-Sea is dishing out too much money - we are there already - Sorry folks !

  4. 消息说:“如果你接到电话,称汇丰银行在米尔福德镇的一台ATM机发生了故障,可以多取钱,那么对不起大家我们已经赶到那里了。”

    They tweeted : " If you get a call that the ATM at HSBC in Milford-on-Sea is dishing out too much money - we are there already - Sorry folks ! "

  5. 电梯公司正在往这边赶的途中,米尔福德消防队长约翰•图伊称。

    The elevator company is also en route , said Milford Fire Chief John Touhey .

  6. 周日早上米尔福德消防队员从惠特科姆居民楼的电梯里解救出一名被困人员。

    Milford Fire Department personnel on Sunday morning freed a person stuck in an elevator at the Whitcomb House .

  7. 这艘巨轮装载着118285吨原油,从波斯湾的科威特运往威尔士的米尔福德港。

    She carried 118,285 tons of crude oil from Kuwait in the Persian Gulf to Milford Haven in Wales .

  8. 例句:我是米尔福德保险公司的比尔伯顿,我想问一下有关下周二我们见面的事。

    EX : This is Bill Burton from Milford Insurance , I 'm calling in regard to our meeting next Tuesday .

  9. 今天的大喊答题节目环节的题目是俄亥俄州米尔福德小学布鲁尔先生的社会研究班提供。

    Today 's Shoutout goes out to Mr. Breuer 's social studies classes at Milford Junior High School in Milford , Ohio .

  10. 一定要留一天给不能错过的美景米尔福德峡湾,它位于新西兰腹地纯自然而壮观的峡湾地区。

    Set aside a day for the must-see spectacle of Milford Sound in the heart of NZ 's unspoiled and awe-inspiring fjord-land .

  11. 事件发生在英国汉普郡利明顿附近的富裕小镇米尔福德,前来取款的居民们迅速排起了长队。

    Long queues quickly formed as residents in the affluent village of Milford-on-Sea , near Lymington , Hampshire , rushed to take money out .

  12. 迈克尔。米尔福德摄&“我们爱我们的鱼!”因娜布克说。她是一个皮克土著同时也是一个来自迪灵汉的反对水雷的教师。

    Photograph by Michael Melford –" We love our fish !" says Ina Bouker , a Yupik native and teacher fromDillingham who opposes the mine .

  13. 沿着俄亥俄州米尔福德名叫领袖的林荫小道驱车直上,你会到达一个地方,外面看起来很像是一个豪华的滑雪度假小舍。

    DRIVE up the leafy Leadership Trail in Milford , Ohio and you reach what appears from the outside to be a luxury ski lodge .

  14. 纳特还在家里安装了一个数码摄像机,这样他在工作的地方也能看到托比在位于米尔福德港市的家中享用美食的情况。

    And Nat has even rigged up an online camera so he can see Toby enjoying the food at his home in Milford Haven , West Wales .

  15. 根据目前报道米尔福德地区整个电力处中断状态,热带风暴开始登陆,预示着飓风“艾琳”将到来。

    Power outages are now being reported around the Milford area , as bands of tropical force winds begin to arrive , signaling the arrival of Irene .

  16. 《米尔福德每日新闻》上周五报道,马塞诸塞州男子托马斯•戴格尔表示,35年来他一直在收集硬币,为的是用62000个硬币将最后一笔贷款还清。

    Massachusetts man Thomas Daigle said he collected pennies for 35 years so he could make his final mortgage payment using 62,000 of the coins , The Milford Daily News reported last Friday .

  17. 目前英国婚龄最长的是结婚80年的珀西和弗罗伦斯·艾罗史密斯夫妇,可珀西·艾罗史密斯已于去年辞世。米尔福德夫妇的感情久而弥坚,他们希望能够打破80年的婚龄纪录。

    With their relationship as strong as ever , the couple hope to beat the record for Britain 's longest-ever marriage of 80 years , set by Percy and Florence Arrowsmith . Percy Arrowsmith died last year .

  18. 《米尔福德每日新闻》上周五报道,马塞诸塞州男子托马斯•戴格尔表示,35年来他一直在收集硬币,为的是用62000个硬币将最后一笔贷款还清。他平均每天会攒下2.5美分。

    Massachusetts man Thomas Daigle said he collected pennies for 35 years so he could make his final mortgage payment using 62000 of the coins , The Milford Daily News reported last Friday . Daigle said he collected an average of 2.5 pennies per day .