
  • 网络Conway;Conwy
  1. 据报道,像红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)、老虎环球资本管理公司(TigerGlobalManagement)、KhoslaVentures合伙人凯斯•拉博伊斯和投资人罗恩•康威等支持者至今已合计投资8000万美元。

    Backers like Sequoia Capital , tiger global management , Khosla ventures partner Keith rabois , and Ron Conway have chipped in a reported $ 80 million to date .

  2. 德鲁•康威加入了IAVentures公司,担任常驻科学家。这也证明了我们对帮助公司最大化利用信息资产价值的重视程度。

    Drew Conway joining the IA Ventures team as scientist-in-residence is evidence of the importance we place on helping our companies extract the most value from their data assets .

  3. 让我们深入了解人称“硅谷教父”的科技天使投资人罗恩•康威,他曾向《财富》(Fortune)表示,自己目睹了硅谷近70%的新创企业交易。

    An in-depth look at tech angel investor Ron Conway , aka the " godfather of Silicon Valley , " who once told fortune he sees roughly 70 % of all start-up deals in the area .

  4. 下一个时代的开始或多或少与出版了“超大规模集成电路系统导论”的1.3666米德和Lynn康威在1980年。

    The next era began more or less with the publication of " Introduction to VLSI Systems " by Carver Mead and Lynn Conway in1980 .

  5. 凯雷(Carlyle)创始人威廉•康威(WilliamConway)被视为全球最聪明的私人股本投资家之一,最近他着重指出,为收购交易融资所作的信贷决策十分危险。

    William Conway , the Carlyle founder regarded as one of global private equity 's smartest investors , recently highlighted the very risky credit decisions taken to finance buy-out deals .

  6. 不过,许多投资家都渴望投资Dropbox,其中包括罗恩•康威,他表示自己曾目睹硅谷大约70%新创公司的交易。

    Meanwhile , investors like angel Ron Conway , who says he sees roughly 70 % of all startup deals in the valley , are dying to get in on a piece of the company .

  7. 显然,康威厅简直太适合她了。

    Evidently , Conway Hall was made just for her .

  8. “康威城堡。”老师说。

    " Conway Castle . " the teacher said .

  9. 他朝着康威角匆匆走去。

    He sped off towards Conway 's corner .

  10. 图特希尔和他的妻子帕姆在康威收容所里收养了100多只猫头鹰。

    Mr Toothill and his wife Pam have more than 100 birds at the Corwen sanctuary .

  11. 美商公司总部位于美国阿肯色州的康威城。

    Headquarters of beautiful merchant company is located in the Kang Wei city of American Arkansas .

  12. 康威这个角色展现了一个人需要如何两面三刀才能登上权力巅峰。

    Conway 's character showcases how duplicitous one needs to be in order to get to the top .

  13. 如果想了解今日的硅谷,就先得了解罗恩•康威。

    It turns out that to understand how Silicon Valley works today , you need to understand Ron Conway .

  14. 康威先生迫切想炫耀他的内部知识,细节的重要性偶尔让叙述放缓。

    Mr Conway is keen to show off his insider knowledge , and the weight of detail occasionally slows the narrative .

  15. 然而,康威却无意终止他的浪漫之举。他每次把瓶子掷入大海前,都会仔细研究风向和潮汐变化的情况。

    But Conway , who carefully studies the winds and tides before hurling into action , has no intention of stopping .

  16. 同时,安德伍德自己还要应对另一个对手:有当总统抱负的纽约州州长康威(乔尔•金纳曼饰)。

    Meanwhile , Underwood himself has to tackle another rival : aspiring president and New York governor Conway ( Joel Kinnaman ) .

  17. 1751年3月16日,美国第四届总统詹姆斯·麦迪逊在弗吉尼亚州港康威出生。

    On March 16 , 1751 , James Madison , the fourth president of the United States , was born in Port Conway , Va.

  18. 二十九岁的康威与决赛金牌失之交臂之后,以1-0获得铜牌。

    Conway , 29 , fought her way to a 1-0 victory after narrowly missing out on taking part in the gold medal final .

  19. 康威先生的上本书,《一个忠诚的间谍》,以阿富汗为背景,用热情和知情人的秘密写就。

    Mr Conway , whose previous book , A Loyal Spy , was set in Afghanistan , writes with verve and an insider 's confidence .

  20. 大不列颠队的柔道巨星萨莉•康威在击败澳大利亚选手伯纳黛特•格拉夫后收获一枚铜牌,她不仅武艺高超,一鸣惊人,连发型都奇特异常,惊艳四座。

    Team GB judo star Sally Conway , who impressed on the mat by winning bronze after defeating Austrian Bernadette Graf , led the pack .

  21. 在一份泄露的备忘录中,康威先生警告说:“持续时间越长,结束时越糟糕。”

    In a leaked memo , Mr Conway warned that : " the longer it lasts , the worse it will be when it ends . "

  22. 康威先生保持快节奏,本书的双视角有技巧地凸显所涉及黑暗势力的范围和能力。

    Mr Conway maintains a fast pace , and the book 's double point of view skilfully highlights the reach and power of the dark forces involved .

  23. 男孩们周五九点去学校上了公交车,他们参观了康威城堡后就回家了。

    On Friday the boys came to school at 9 o'clock and got into the bus . They visited Conway Castle , and then they came back and went home .

  24. 然后,他做了两年达拉斯牛仔队的球探;之后他开始了康威鞋业公司推销员的职业。

    After spending two years as a scout for the Dallas Cowboys at the call of executive Gil Brandt , Dawson started a career as a salesman for Converse Shoe Company .

  25. 康威表示在气候变化的背景下,尤其是极地地区以更快的速度变暖的情况下,这种生存机制有着特别的启示。

    Convey says that survival mechanism has special relevance now , in the context of climate change , as the polar regions warm faster than any other part of the globe .

  26. 受够了最近在科罗拉多首府颁布的新枪支管控法律,石油消耗和天然气法规及增加的可再生能源标准,康威现在领头准备形成一个新的州。

    Fed up with new gun control laws , expended oil and gas regulations and increased renewable energy standards , recently enacted at the Colorado capital , Conway is leading the charge to form a new state .

  27. 整个秋季,从全球过来的旅游者,抵达新罕布什尔州北康威铁路风景区,而且十月里从美西部来的游客数呈尖锐变化(急增)。

    Visitors to the Conway Scenic Railroad in North Conway , N.H. , come from all over the world in the fall , and the number of visitors from the Western United States spikes dramatically in October .

  28. 今年的无聊大会于5月7日在伦敦康威会堂举办,这是过去六年来连续举办的第六次活动,一共425张票,短短几天就卖光了。

    This year 's Boring Conference , held at London 's Conway Hall on 7 May , was the sixth consecutive event in the last six years and all 425 tickets were sold out in just a few days .