
  • 网络gravitational wave source
  1. 风力这阵强风或气流引起的效果双星是最强最可预测的引力波源。

    Binary stars are the strongest and most predictable sources of gravitational waves .

  2. 进而介绍了目前为止科学界普遍认可的天体引力波源以及微波背景辐射的相关知识。

    And finally introduces sources of Celestial gravitational waves which have been generally accepted by scientific so far and the related knowledge of microwave background radiation .

  3. 引力波、引力波源和引力波探测实验

    Gravitational Wave , Celestial Sources and Gravitational-Wave Detection Experiments

  4. 论引力波探测器方位与引力波源方位间的关系

    Discussion about the relation of position between gravitational waves detectors and the source