
  • Detonating system;【航空】fuzing system, armament
  1. 核武器引爆控制系统;

    Arming , fusing , and firing system for nuclear weapon ;

  2. 增强引爆安全系统的原理设计与硬件实现

    Principle Design and Hardware Implementation of Enhanced Detonation Safety System

  3. 无线电引信机的测试是导弹引爆控制系统测试的重要组成部分,对导弹能否在装定的最佳爆高可靠引爆起着至关重要的作用。

    The test of wireless fusee is an important part of the test of missile detonating controlling system and it play a crucial role for the missile to detonate at the point bound up in advance .

  4. 这并不是因为她认为学生贷款即将引爆一次系统性金融危机。

    This is not because she thinks that student debt is about to detonate a systemic financial crisis .