
yǐn tí
  • Introduction;eyebrow head
引题[yǐn tí]
  1. 引题中的grandopening在材料左边,下面有个时间Monday,August20,这就是31题答案。

    When is the grand opening of Baker 's ?

  2. 第一章列出现代学术界对阿尔都塞是否是结构主义者的争议,以此引题,引出了对阿尔都塞的一系列分析研究。

    On The first chapters , whether Althusser is a structuralism Marxism , or not discussed by modern academic , and which leads to a series of studies on Althusser .

  3. 新闻机构应极其谨慎地确保标题、引题、声音节选或引语等不仅准确,而且不使事实因此而被简单化或形成断章取义的后果。

    News organizations should take great care to assure that headlines , teasers , sound bites , or quotations are not only accurate but do not oversimplify the facts or take them out of context .

  4. 这里,我们会着重于主版标题的基本结构,即引题、主题、副题之间词组的结构方式、虚实关系和逻辑关系的探讨。

    Here , we will focus on the basic structure of the headline , i.e. lead title , subject , and subtitle . In this section , we concentrate on the phrase structure , the actual versus ideographic issues and the logical issues of the headline .