
  • 网络FRAN;Forlan;FROM;Diego Forlan
  1. 弗兰决定把房间彻底打扫一下。

    Fran decided to spring-clean the apartment .

  2. 弗兰在仔细地看菜单。

    Fran was studying the menu .

  3. 关于你妈妈你还记得多少,弗兰齐?

    How well do you remember your mother , Franzi ?

  4. 弗兰开始不由自主地唠叨起乔恩是怎样无可避免地被扣留的。

    Fran began her automatic patter about how Jon had been unavoidably detained .

  5. 弗兰普顿乱打一通,没有打到沃丁顿却打到了一位老人。

    Frampton struck out blindly , hitting not Waddington , but an elderly man .

  6. (弗兰说她在路上。我们等一会儿吧。)

    Fran said she was on her way .

  7. 霍华德·W·弗兰彻(HowardW.French)著。

    By Howard W. French .

  8. 接下来是堪萨斯州奥弗兰帕克市的RebeccaKabernato照片是复活节那天在东九街中段拍的

    Rebecca Kabernato from Overland park Kansas , this photo was taken at Easter in the mid Nineeast

  9. 五年前,在NBA工作的弗兰-比林伯利制作了一部12集的系列片来介绍1961-62赛季,《巨人们的赛季》,这个题目实在是再适合不过了。

    Five years ago , Fran Blinebury at nba.com did a 12-part series on the 1961-62 season called Season of Giants - a most appropriate title .

  10. 弗兰岑的小说《自由》(Freedom)和《纠正》(TheCorrections)都卖了100多万册。和这两本畅销小说一样,他的新小说也是探索性政治、爱情和亲情等宏大主题。

    Like Mr. Franzen 's best-sellers " Freedom " and " The Corrections , " which have each sold well over a million copies , his new novel tackles big themes like sexual politics , love and parenthood .

  11. 明年9月,法勒、斯特劳斯&吉鲁出版社(Farrar,Straus&Giroux)还将出版弗兰岑的第五部小说《普丽蒂》(Purity)。

    And in September , Farrar , Straus & Giroux will release Mr. Franzen 's fifth novel , " Purity . "

  12. 乔纳森‧弗兰岑(JonathanFranzen)翻译了十九世纪末德国剧作家弗兰克‧魏德凯(FrankWedekind)的《春之苏醒》(SpringAwakening),以及维也纳讽刺作家卡尔‧克劳斯(KarlKraus)的散文。

    Jonathan Franzen has translated " Spring Awakening , " by the fin-de-si è cle German dramatist Frank Wedekind , and the essays of Viennese satirist Karl Kraus .

  13. 开云的首席执行官弗兰索瓦-亨利·皮诺(François-HenriPinault)说,王的日程提前一年就会被安排出来并且发送给同事们。

    Fran ç ois-Henri Pinault , chief executive of Kering , pointed out that the designer 's schedule is mapped out and shared " a year in advance . "

  14. 温斯坦的传记《乔纳森·弗兰岑:愤怒的喜剧》(JonathanFranzen:TheComedyofRage)将探索“弗兰岑的个人和写作蜕变过程”,包括对《普丽蒂》的分析。温斯坦说,传记写作得到了弗兰岑的同意与合作。

    Mr. Weinstein 's biography , titled " Jonathan Franzen : The Comedy of Rage , " will explore " Franzen 's metamorphoses as a person and as a writer " and includes an analysis of " Purity . " It was written with Mr. Franzen 's consent and cooperation , Mr. Weinstein said .

  15. 她住在洛杉矶与她的丈夫,监制弗兰

    She lives in Los Angeles with her husband , producer Fran

  16. 弗兰士嗅着烤山羊的香味,正在等得不耐烦的时候。

    Franz waited impatiently , smelling the odour of the goat .

  17. 可怜的老弗兰明被贬到会计部门工作。

    Poor old Fleming was kicked downstairs to a job-in accounts .

  18. 事实上,弗兰,这次大赛我们家也会参与表演。

    Actually , Fran , my family will also be performing .

  19. 大部分时间我们只叫你弗兰…和其他一些不能说的秘密。

    Mostly we just call you Fran ... And some other things .

  20. 弗兰士觉得他的额头上已经开始冒出冷汗来了。

    Franz felt the perspiration start forth upon his brow .

  21. 我们到那儿不足5分钟弗兰就来了。

    We got there not five minutes before Fran arrived .

  22. 不用叫“夫人”,叫我弗兰就可以了。

    It still says " mrs. "? Fran is fine .

  23. 还有,弗兰琦,放下那该死的酒瓶子。

    And , Frankie , lay otf that goddamn bottle .

  24. 祝你晚上愉快,弗兰好的。

    You have a great evening , Fran . Okay .

  25. 瑞德就不会再像弗兰那样丧命了;

    Rhett would not be killed as Frank was killed ;

  26. 弗兰我也是看过谍战片的人

    I 've seen the spy master movie too , Fran

  27. 弗兰普顿《现代建筑史》的读和译

    Reading and translating 《 Modern architecture : acritical history 》 written by Frampton

  28. 弗兰是牙医,山姆也是一个牙医。

    Fran is a dentist , and sam is a dentist , too .

  29. 昨天你才说独脚的弗兰是最坏的

    Yesterday you said Footless Fran was the worst .

  30. 弗兰家必…我忘了拿我的钥匙了。

    Fran 's going d. .. Forgot my keys .