
  1. 弗里曼特尔监狱为我们的第二个重大项目最近竣工。

    Our second major project for Fremantle Prison was recently completed .

  2. 他说,我们不支持彩信弗里曼特尔自己的意图。

    Said that , we have no intention of supporting MMS in Fremantle ourselves .

  3. 我特别喜欢与海滩近距离接触,还有充满温情的弗里曼特尔小镇。

    I especially appreciated the nearness to the sea and the lovely town of Fremantle .

  4. 弗里曼特尔夫人总不停地与妈妈说起很久以前她就学会了如何过那种没有男人的日子。

    Mrs Freemantle kept telling Mum how she 'd learned long ago to " do without " .

  5. 弗里曼特尔传媒公司的最新才艺表演会“隐藏的新星”,就是被这个公司的丹麦公司生产。

    FremantleMedia 's new talent show ," Hidden Stars ", was created by the firm 's Danish production arm .

  6. 哈里森威廉姆斯来自澳大利亚帕斯,昨天他和一群朋友坐船在澳大利亚弗里曼特尔城出海时发现水里漂着死鲸。

    Harrison Williams , of Quinns Rock , Perth , was out on a boat off the coast of Fremantle , Western Australia with some friends yesterday when he spotted the dead whale floating in the water .