
  • 网络Zhang Zhongjing;four counterflows decoction
  1. 张仲景药对配伍应用浅探

    Application compatibility to pair of medicine in ZHANG Zhong-Jing 's prescriptions

  2. 张仲景对中药炮制的贡献

    Zhang Zhongjing 's Contribution to the Processing of Chinese Drugs

  3. 论张仲景对黄疸病辨治法的贡献

    Zhang Zhongjing 's Contributions to Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases with Jaundice

  4. 敦煌写本《张仲景五藏论》中有关药对及方剂之探析

    Paired Herbs and Formulaes in Dunhuang-Version of Zhang Zhongjing Wu Zang Lun

  5. 张仲景特殊给药途径初探

    The special way of treatment method by Zhang Zhongjing

  6. 前言:目的:探讨张仲景应用大黄的临床经验。

    Objective : To study the clinical experience of Zhang Zhongjing applying Rhubarb .

  7. 张仲景的方子,只要是对证用药。

    Zhang 's prescription , as long as it is at the heart medication .

  8. 张仲景医方的文献研究

    Literature Study on the Prescription of Zhang Zhongjing

  9. 张仲景痹证学术思想探讨

    Discussion on ZHANG Zhong-jing Academic Thoughts of Arthromyodynia

  10. 学习张仲景对水肿证治的体会

    Study Acquirement about Edema Therapy by Zhang Zhongjing

  11. 中医学专业张仲景学术思想方向人才培养方案改革研究

    Research on Reform of Personnel Training Programs of ZHANG Zhong-jing Academic Thinking Chinese Medicine Majors

  12. 张仲景对精神病学的贡献

    Zhang Zhongjing 's Contribution to Psychiatry

  13. 结在张仲景病机认识中重要性的研究

    The Study on the Importance of " Knot " in Zhang Zhongjing 's Theory of Pathogenesis

  14. 小青龙汤是张仲景用来治疗寒饮、咳喘的名方。

    Xiaoqinglong decoction is a famous prescriptions to treat Differentiation of Cold Fluid , cough and asthma .

  15. 医学创造的思维规律&张仲景模式与现代中医教育

    Thinking Pattern of Medical Creation ──" Model of Zhang Zhongjing " and Modern Education of Chinese Medicine

  16. 从《伤寒论》阴性症状运用谈张仲景辨证思维特点

    Dialectical Characteristic of Thought of ZHANG Zhong-jing from Utilization of Negative Symptom in Treatise on Febrile Diseases

  17. 张仲景将辨病与辨证相结合,但更多的注重辨证论治。

    Zhang Zhong jing integrated disease identification and syndrome differentiation but emphasized the treatment upon syndrome differentiation greatly .

  18. 从症状学讲,恶病质也可以归于张仲景记载的虚劳范畴。

    Learning from the symptoms it can also be attributed to cachexia " Consumption " category Zhang ZhongJing documented .

  19. 东汉张仲景奠定了在辨病论治体系下辨证论治的基础;

    Zhang Zhongjing laid a foundation for syndrome differentiation under the system of disease differentiation in the eastern Han dynsaty ;

  20. 由于张仲景为中国传统医学所做的贡献,人们称他为“医圣”。

    Due to Zhang 's contribution to Traditional Chinese medicine he is often regarded as the sage of Chinese medicine .

  21. 据说饺子是由张仲景(中国历史上最杰出的医生之一)发明的。

    It is said that the dish was invented by Zhang Zhongjing , one of the finest Chinese physicians in history .

  22. 导师吴修符在多年研究《伤寒杂病论》的基础上,结合临床,认为气化是贯穿张仲景《伤寒杂病论》始终的核心思想。

    From the View of Herb-gasification Theory to Understand the Entirety of Principle , Method , Prescription and Herb in Treatise on Febrile Diseases ;

  23. 张仲景在《伤寒论》和《金匮要略》中创立了许多名称相同,但药证不同的方剂。

    In Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber , Zhang Zhongjing created many different prescriptions with same names .

  24. 他所处年代天下割据混战、兵戈扰攘,很多人染上了疫病,张仲景自己宗族中的人也有死于疫病的。

    During his time , with war-lords fighting for their own territories , many people were infected with febrile disease . Zhang 's family was no exception .

  25. 张仲景,今河南南阳人,是东汉末年的名医。

    Zhang Zhongjing was from the modern Nanyang , Henan province , one of the most eminent Chinese physicians during the last years of the Eastern Han .

  26. 结果:汉代张仲景的《金匮要略》的半夏厚朴汤是四七汤源流。

    Results : Original source of a quotation of Siqi decoction was that of compatibility of medicine concerning the tuber of pinellia and the bark of official magnolia .

  27. 半夏泻心汤是张仲景《伤寒论》中治疗寒热错杂痞症的代表方,为当前中医治疗各种消化道疾病的代表方剂。

    The Pinelliae Tuber Decoction is a representative formula to treat the cold-heat complex of various digestive tract diseases in Treatise on Febrile Diseases written by Zhang Zhongjing .

  28. 文章对张仲景之《伤寒论》和《金匮要略》关于治咳喘之经文、方药及其机理进行了分析阐述。

    The paper expounded and analyzed the scriptures , formulas , drugs and its mechanisms for the treatment of cough with asthma in Treatise on Febrile Diseases and JINKUIYAOYUE .

  29. 张仲景确立了药物疗法的原则,总结了汉代以前的治疗经验,从而为中国传统医学的发展做出了巨大的贡献。

    He established medication principles and summed up the medicinal experience up until the Han Dynasty , thus making a great contribution to the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  30. 《金匮要略研究》是进一步学习和研究张仲景有关诊治杂病的学术思想的一门临床经典课。

    The study on Synopsis of Golden Chamber is one of classical clinical lessons to learn more about Zhangzhongjing 's learning thought on how to diagnosis and treat miscellaneous diseases .