
  1. 张健却在现代中国历史上杰出的实业家。

    Zhang Jian was an outstanding industrialist in modern Chinese history .

  2. 张健超长时间游泳运动时营养安排和血液指标变化的研究

    Research on Nutrition Arrangement and Changes of Blood Indexes in Ultra-long Swimming

  3. 签名:张健作者简介:张健,陕西西安人。

    About the authors : Zhang Jian , Xi'an people .

  4. 张健是第一个横渡渤海的中国人。

    Zhangjian is the first Chinese to to swim across the Bohai Sea .

  5. 王平:张健还决心要在不久的将来实现他的第三个理想横渡英吉利海峡!

    Wang ping : zhang Jian is determined to fulfil his third dream & swimming across the Enghsh channel .

  6. 没过十几分钟,张健与来自中国内地的三位远房亲戚边吃点心边聊起其它话题。

    Barely a couple of minutes later , Zhang Jian began to talk about other topics with his3 distant relatives from China as they ate dim sum .

  7. 训练期张健的血红蛋白、红细胞参数处于较理想范围,说明张健的身体机能处于良好状态;

    During the training session Zhang Jian 's parameters of hemoglobin and red blood cells were within the ideal limits , showing that he was in good condition .

  8. 有所不同的是,前者的目标读者是中国广大的文学爱好者,因此在翻译过程中,张健倾向于采用直译的翻译方法,力求保留和再现原作的语言内容,语言形式和语言风格。

    The difference is that the formal translator regards Chinese adults as target readers , thus he is inclined to choose literal translation strategies to keep and reproduce the content , form and style of the source text during the translation process .