
  • Zhang Wei;【人名】Wei Zhang
  1. 张伟:举起它的顶部靠近你的头。

    Zhang Wei : hold it with the top beside your head .

  2. 张伟:当然了,给您,先生。

    Zhang Wei : Of course , here you are , sir .

  3. 张伟说,富兰克林邓普顿也在权衡设立外商独资企业利与弊。

    Franklin Templeton is also considering the WFOE pros and cons , Mr Chang says .

  4. 张伟:对,现在动一下你的手腕并用手指拨动弦。

    Zhang Wei : Yes . Now , move your wrist and pull these strings with your fingers .

  5. 我叫张伟,负责本公司的销售部/公司的采购部/展工作。

    I 'm Zhang Wei , in charge of our Sales Section / our Purchasing Section / product exhibitions .

  6. 然而,在宁波街头还有数十个这样不为人知无家可归的流浪者。张伟说。

    However , there are dozens of others like Cheng Guorong who remain homeless-and unknown-on Ningbo 's streets , Zhang Wei said .

  7. 很多律师已经提出在新的审判过程中担任张姓保姆的代理人,郑州律师张伟是其中之一。

    Many lawyers have offered to represent Ms. Zhang in the new trial , among them Zhang Wei , a Zhengzhou-based lawyer .

  8. 电影评论家张伟(音译)指出这部电影将对充斥快餐娱乐消费的当代中国,具有现实意义。

    Film critic , Zhang Wei added that the movie would have implications for China , where instant gratification and consumerism have taken hold .

  9. 张伟有着很强的道德力量、理想色彩,是一部分精英分子的代表,大地和人民是其源源不断的精神源泉,他在形而上意义上指向了诗意的存在。

    Zhang Wei have strong moral force , ideal color very is some elite representative of molecule , Earth , and people spiritual source continually their , he have meaning point to existence of poesy in shape .

  10. 张伟曾经在这个城市为这些流浪者拍照“我还看到过流浪者跟狗在垃圾桶里抢一块肉吃”。

    Zhang himself has taken numerous photos of the homeless in his city . " I 've even seen a homeless man fighting with a dog over a piece of meat in a trash bin ," he said .